If we get rid of all the billionaires, everyone will stop using gas vehicles and fossil fuel electricity.
Id love a digital currency system to bypass banks and credit card companies trying to legislate. But the scaling power consumption of crypto is fundamentally unsustainable
To everyone bringing up FPTP, other countries manage to not have it, it can be done, so stop fighting so hard against efforts to doing away with it.
Man, media can really frame anything to get people to support it. Suddenly folks here love corporate mega mergers.
Damn, i feel like this wont hit the way it should to the people that need convincing, but it sure is a hell of an argument in itself that a transgender person is doing well enough in life to be practicing law before the supreme court. Like Michael Phelps existing in the face of weed's stereotype of laziness.
Theyre not taking on side hustles, theyre working full on jobs. This story reads like them almost making enough to survive, they just need a little help. At this point the only way they can be full time musicians and make enough to live is UBI.
I aint here to defend the tariffs, just provide some basic economic literacy. If alternative suppliers arent possible, why arent they charging more already?
Higher prices incentivises alternative suppliers.
I think she's just doing it to make more money and get more fame. This is completely irrelevant to other musicians situations.
Most of them make no money whatsoever.
A paltry few millions in networth. Please think of these starving artists
Lot of good that decrying'll do now.
Democrats are done, elect a progressive party
Oh is this one of those dystopian looking places that every building must look the same with no visual design?