What the fuck?
I haven't paid to see a film in yonks, after reading that I won't even pirate his works
What the fuck?
I haven't paid to see a film in yonks, after reading that I won't even pirate his works
Just add feet, he'll be reet
Hope someone does the end of Inglorious Basterds to all them in one room
Shan on
That dude with the cap has two of those bracelets on, are they doubly undercover?
The morel of the story is...
48?! That's almost double the life expectancy of a cow.
Remember when long hair on lads just meant that they were hippies
Similar to the BSE/vCJD scare (or outbreak) in the UK a while back.
Are they actually vitamins?
Always thought they were E
Watterson really knew how to deliver a message in just a few panels.
There's a really good documentary called Dear Mr Watterson
What if I had a sound mirror? Would that save me