Would have been 6th level, but you just had to dip into barbarian.
Sure, that sounds bad. But have you seen the height of the horse they are sitting on?
Sure, but despite all the crypto bros assurances to the contrary, the only real-world applications for it is buying drugs, paying ransoms and getting scammed. Which means that any non-zero amount of energy is too much energy.
I think there's one more possibility:
The antman showed signs of having absorbed Min Byung-Gyu when it ate his head. It was referenced again this episode with the creature healing itself.
That's a "no" on the source then?
They made the completely idiotic call to arrest him, making him into an icon. But yeah, now they have to follow through with making him a martyr.
Yeah, Pixel 4A only gets that one update that mutually breaks the battery management.
Tbh, that would have been extremely simple to come back from: Fire his ass. The issue is that they didn't.
(Inb4 someone says they cannot fire him for some legal or contract reason: That is a major red flag in and of itself)
I also like /wiki ezd
which opens a page telling you how to quickly do the daily and weekly objectives.
It's still a wiki, I.e. user/community written content.
The Guild Wars 2 (and 1) wiki is also hosted directly by the devs. It's even accessible via chat command.
One of them was in Springer Nature’s Environmental Science and Pollution Research, but it has since been retracted.
The other journals seem less impactful (I cannot truly judge the merit of journals spanning several research fields)