My father's a narcissist and my family waves it away. I'm fine with LC, he's not, so I guess sooner or later it'll turn into NC. It's frustrating. He wants a relationship and says he's willing to try, but he's incapable of accepting any reality where he's done something wrong or hurt someone. I've spent years trying to think of the magic words that would fix things but there's no way around it.
As a person it's made me more conscious of people's limits. There's a will on both sides for us, but we're each limited in our own ways. I can't be as tolerant as the rest of my family and he won't be able to make progress without therapy that he doesn't even realize he needs.
Thanks for the suggestion. I don't think I could get him to take part in any kind of therapy but it sounds interesting for myself. Do you have any favorite resources?