That's amazing. What did support ask for? Don't tell me, a 3D face scan?
There is no way I'm getting into 20+ year old accounts. Those pets are long dead. I'm sorry.
Re: pic - life goals
Re: question - a short username is interesting since one usually doesn't get in early enough to have one. And a common word that can't be searched is also novel. That and I'm Canadian.
It's believed to be the largest vandalism in Canada against vehicles from the U.S.-based car company.
This strikes me as an odd qualifier.
Have there been larger vandalism incidents in Canada against vehicles from companies based in countries outsides the states?
Locking as it's not a question. Sorry you're going through that OP but there are other communities to get support.
This technically violates rule #5 but I feel like it's a valuable information and discussion to have available.
Locking: rule 5, already answered, and no more to be said
Commenting from alt/backup account as Lemmy currently doesn't support posting or commenting as a regular user while a mod. Until there's a "appear as mod" checkbox when posting or something I intend to perform mod actions from this account. I've heard others have used this as a workaround successfully. My app of choice doesn't show reports as yet anyway so I'm already periodically checking in browser. has a pretty strict filter on any word that could be considered a slur regardless of context.
What did the blood test check for? I wonder if a general blood test would catch that.
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Vintage Tom Scott