This is the sort of person who would taunt her ex father by saying "shoot coward you're only going to kill a woman" and I'm here for it
True, but shed also particularly able to speak on his mens rea. She's spoken openly about how even when she was young he was bigoted and cruel. So while many of us may have witnessed a man get radicalized by the right wing as he lost his damn mind which might lead some to think it was him being edgy or something, she's able to say that no, he in his private life as a man who was merely rich was a massive shit stain.
Oh it smells good? Idc, if I cared enough to perfume my clothes I'd do it at point of use.
Are you attempting to profit off the repost?
The south rose again
I'd love that old friends, unfortunately you know how you've been making fun of us for having a surplus of cruel morons for a long time now? Yeah I suppose yall may have been more correct than it seemed to us
What he's going through isn't rare for parents of trans people. But that doesn't excuse it. Good parents learn to love the child they have not the one they thought they had. Musk meanwhile is making damn sure he never can earn his daughter's love back
Yeah, I don't want to do it, but it would be convenient if he did
The only level of force left is jack booted thugs ripping families from their homes
He was portraying himself as a younger sanders like progressive. Right wing politicians keep getting elected by pretending to be left wing populists
Ever since I read his first wife's article I've disliked him. These days it's mild compared to everything else, but back when he was popular… also it's just such personal scumbag behavior
Yeah she's spoken on it