
joined 2 years ago
[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 32 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

Basic rules: Have a strong password. Don't reuse that password on other sites because it's more likely one of those sites will get hacked then all your accounts with the same password will get hacked. For sites that support it, enable 2FA/MFA codes or email verification. Keep your email accounts and cell phone number/identity locked down like Fort Knox, since email and phones can be used to password reset just about anything you have, usually with little difficulty.

That said, if the accounts had no activity for 2 years, they were probably created intentionally for the purpose of spamming/selling. They may have been saving them to see if the value goes up. They might have just recently been sold to a spammer and activated in their spambots.

[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 7 points 23 hours ago

OpenXcom is a fantastic reimplementation of the original, and has some even more fantastic mods. I agree if you've never played it before and aren't too familiar with old school "Nintendo-hard" games, it can be extremely challenging even on the lowest difficulty. Fun fact, the original had a broken difficulty selection and reset to the "easiest" difficulty after reloading any save game, so most people never truly experienced a full run at any difficulty above "easiest", so that's just naturally perceived as the way the game was meant to be balanced. Don't be ashamed of playing on the easiest difficulty or using "cheat" mods if that's what makes it playable for you. There's nobody to judge you but yourself and what matters is that you're having fun. And it is a ridiculously fun and replayable game, to me at least.

[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 27 points 23 hours ago

Lots of leopards eating people's faces these days. Probably shouldn't have voted for the leopards eating people's faces party.

[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 34 points 23 hours ago (7 children)

I have never understood why people are so unequivocal and quick to take sides in this conflict. Either people insist on "No criticism of Hamas" or "No criticism of Israel". It has always seemed clear to me that both the Israeli people and the Palestinian people are victims of their and each other's respective warmongering hardline governments. It is possible for both sides to be completely in the wrong, and arguing about which is "more wrong" and trying to tally up historical injustices to debate who has the biggest total is fruitless and counterproductive. Until both sides are willing to admit they've been wrong and done wrong to each other and accept that very justified criticism, the violence is never going to end. Criticism of both sides is not only deserved it is necessary and probably the only answer. Both sides need to be forced to take responsibility for what they've each done wrong instead of justifying and defending it and acting like they're completely innocent before this is ever going to have a chance at resolution.

The only conclusion I can draw is that some people REALLY don't want it to ever have a peaceful resolution, and I think that's probably closest to the actual truth of the situation. Really sickening and sad, for everyone victimized by this conflict. And I'm not even going to start getting into all the various foreign governments "supporting" both these sides. These are the ones who don't want it to ever have a peaceful resolution, I suspect.

I am hoping that maybe these protests are at least a sign that Gazans are willing to start vocally criticizing Hamas' role in perpetuating this violence. Now for us to be getting somewhere we'd need to start to see the same from the Israeli people too. But I'm not holding my breath. These protest efforts may be too little too late. Israel is clearly the better equipped and supported regime here; globally we seem to be returning to the horrible principle of "might makes right". As we know history is written by the victor, and genocide is an unfortunately practical and well-tested way of silencing your critics.

[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 20 points 1 day ago (2 children)

If you yourself use/are familiar with Linux and willing to actually test and polish your Linux version to the same standard as your Windows version, then a native Linux version is always appreciated.

However these days, it's probably not necessary and a lazy afterthought Linux version is like a bad console port, and because we DO have the option to run the Windows version, it's probably worse than no Linux version at all.

So it really depends on your personal feelings towards Linux, and nobody's going to judge you for not providing a native version you can't personally test and support. That's why we have Proton.

[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 13 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Of course the US would rather get its fertilizer from Russia than Canada. Sanction nasty Canada, free trade with Russia. Bring fertilizer from the other side of the world instead of across the border. Burn more oil in the process, Russian oil. This is sensible and wise!

When did I go through the portal into the Evil Alternate Universe?

[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 18 points 1 day ago

Sometimes doing something illegal is anti-social behavior. Sometimes it's anti-authoritarian behavior. These are not the same thing.

[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 14 points 2 days ago

The Marshall Plan was one of the most ambitious and apparently successful contributions to global peace, prosperity, and safety that has been made in modern history. Probably one of the greatest contributions of all time. Perhaps more importantly for the self-centered people out there, it cemented American hegemony for three quarters of a century.

Why would anyone want to try to repeat something like that? /s

That said, Europe will probably do an even better job, and it's their turn anyway.

[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 37 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Violence is an intrinsic part of fascism. It is the inevitable consequence of "might makes right". Be prepared for a lot more violence. Probably on both sides.

[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 14 points 3 days ago (3 children)

They may seem like nerf when they first come out of the AI, but they turn into real bullets once they start filling people's heads with convincing enough lies and falsehoods, and those people start wielding their own weapons against minorities, democracy, and the government. If the election of Trump 2.0 has not convinced you of the immense danger of disinformation and misinformation, I have literally no idea how anything could ever possibly get through to you.

[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 32 points 4 days ago (1 children)

It is a miracle that Canada is still a full democracy given the flaws of FPTP. I give credit to Elections Canada, it's a national treasure, and we need to be extremely wary of any of our governments attempting to attack or subvert it.

[–] cecilkorik@lemmy.ca 4 points 4 days ago

That was unconfirmed but Louis Rossmann blew it up into a big thing. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, he'll be the first one to admit he's not perfect, but that was not his finest work and nothing about it was convincing. Brother isn't perfect either, but as far as printer manufacturers go, they're pretty okay.


I don't like the weight or fragility of huge tempered glass side panels which seems to be the default for any case that is over $100... plexiglass/acrylic and some RGB are acceptable although honestly the aesthetics are pretty much irrelevant and I don't need them. I don't want a "cheap" case either. I've cut enough fingers on poorly finished steel rattle-trap boxes and I really can't stand them.

Enough about what I don't want though. What I DO want is a case that's focused on practical features, good airflow, quiet, well-made, easy to build in, roomy without being absurdly enormous, not too unconventionally laid out so that wires will reach while allowing good cable management -- basically, something that was designed thoughtfully.

My current case is a Corsair 900D and other than the fact that it's way bigger than I'd like, I'm generally pretty happy with it, but I'm not sure what else is out there that would even be comparable, Corsair seems to have gone to tempered glass in all their larger cases and I'm not very familiar with all the other manufacturers out there nowadays.

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