I get it but imagine the GPU style markup when all mobos have a set amount of RAM. You'll have two identical boards except for $30 worth of memory with a price spread of $200+. Not fun.
Many times. Although they are often drunk so maybe it doesn't count? Or maybe it's unfiltered and true. The folks who didn't vote really see all options as corrupt and want the end of this dumb story but they would pick the option that caused less pain if they were already in the booth.
I do. I think all the Trump people put in the work and showed up. The people who didn't bother to show probably would have leaned toward making their own lives better instead of other people's lives worse.
To be fair. Is pretty difficult to hit someone with a longgun at such close range.
And I can answer when I want instead of being locked up with one person that gets its way.
Was the "its" a typo or do you think of people on the phone like objects that need to be moved aside?
Signal. Highly secure communication. No ads. Easy to use.
I signed up for API access. I run all my queries through that. I pay per query. I've spent about $8.70 since 2021. This seems like a win-win model. I save hundreds of dollars and they make money on every query I run. I'm confused why there are subscriptions at all.
In the manifesto I read he had coverage. It didn't matter because the claims were denied.
You can walk the path of MLK jr. and another can walk the path of Malcolm X. Changes as massive as the ones we're seeking often take multiple levers to maneuver into effect.
I was banned once. I had no idea why. I appealed. Denied. I asked if I could at least know which post got me banned. Nope. That didn't make me leave. It should have. :( Luckily killing RiF did.
That could happen any day but how is that fact relevant?
Buttigieg is so smart and well spoken. I wish he was an option.