I introduce to you, the Trace Buster Buster!
If you've never seen the movie The Big Hit, it's great.
Well considering Republicans control every branch of government, they're assuming they can and will get away with it. Even if this goes up to SCOTUS, the conservative justices will let them do what they want. One of them will "dissent" though to try to make it seem like they don't agree. They're probably behind closed doors playing rock, paper, scissors to see who "dissents" each time a hot button topic gets up to them.
I think this happened to me last night with an ad for Moana 2 playing automatically. I just assumed I accidentally hit a button. I was on the home screen but it enlarged and played in the basically the top quarter of the screen. I hit Close and it closed.
Also, the Netflix app is absolute garbage on the TCL Roku TVs. Constantly freezes and crashes, sometimes while not even try to rewind or pause/resume. It just decides its had enough and causes the TV to restart lol.
Because they want to distinctly label people as anti Trump. Just being opposition isn't enough. If they can do that, they'll probably start making us wear something so Trumpers know. Sound familiar? Obviously this is worst case scenario, but with the way things are going, I'm not putting anything past Republicans.
I'm kinda glad they wear the red hats everywhere. They self identify for you. Doesn't matter what it is, you just know to avoid them and keep your kids close.