we launched Mwmbl, the open source, non-profit search engine, on Boxing Day 2021
Oh and it's nonamerican too? Definitely going to try this out.
we launched Mwmbl, the open source, non-profit search engine, on Boxing Day 2021
Oh and it's nonamerican too? Definitely going to try this out.
I'm going to miss Charlie so much — especially this current "I'm retiring and will say whatever I want" iteration.
Btw, did the US buy the plans or strike some kind of deal regarding the Arrow?
The US (and everyone else, really) were already working on similar designs. I'm not an expert but I think they were all shelved; the UK ones certainly were, because they started on their own designs after considering buying the Arrow. The major loss was many Avro staff who went to the US. That's what I was referring to when I said the Americans gutted our program; we never fully recovered from that brain drain. We've maintained a pretty strong aerospace sector (the Canadarm being a famous example) but in the 50s we were world-class.
Well, yes, but no. The Arrow was a good plane but was already obsolete even during the design stage, because the role of interceptors was replaced by missiles. Avro engineers however could of course have been reassigned to something else.
There is no compromise with MAGA. The conservatives need to purge that element of their party.
He called his nominations a "wartime cabinet" and based on his actions, he wasn't using that term metaphorically.
How’d they get into his phone? Face or fingerprint?
I was looking for this as well. It seems like a rather important piece of info for the article to leave out.
Wow, this is HUGE news for Canada - fantastic! I love to see us closer to the EU and I hope we can bulk up our defence sector to what it was in the 50s before we let Americans gut it.
Urgently looking for a scapegoat before Hungarians start emulating Serbians.
They are already cooking the books: https://motorillustrated.com/suspicious-tesla-sales-surge-triggers-canadian-government-investigation/149947/
It's what happens when a population has at least a moderate amount of critical thinking skills and awareness of current affairs.
Sorry, "Felon" is already taken: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-57
OP: love the aesthetic but that's a F-22