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[–] [email protected] 21 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Trump’s Call to Annex Canada as a State Should Have Invoked the 25th Amendment

The president was clearly irrational. Instead, there was Secretary of Commerce Howard Lutnick seconding the motion.

By Charles P. PiercePublished: Mar 17, 2025 5:29 PM EDT bookmarksSave Article president trump signs executive orders in the oval office

Chip Somodevilla//Getty Images

What has become plain this week is that the entire administration has committed itself to the president’s pipe dream of annexing Canada as the 51st state. It wasn’t just the president’s bizarre appearance with Mark Rutte, the NATO secretary general, in which the president took a short stroll around the Izonkosphere.

“Canada only works as a state. … This would be the most incredible country
visually. If you look at a map, they drew an artificial line right through
it, between Canada and the U.S., just a straight artificial line. Somebody
did it a long time ago, many, many decades ago, and makes no sense.”

It is necessary at this point to mention that the so-called “artificial line” is usually referred to as a “border.” The president seems to grasp the concept when referring to the “artificial line” separating the United States and Mexico. Strange, that. The president went on.

“It’s so perfect as a great and cherished state. I love [O, Canada]. I
think it’s great. Keep it, but it will be for the state, one of our
greatest states, maybe our greatest state.”

Wonderful. He’s going to let them keep their national anthem, one of the world’s most stirring, but only as a state song, like “On the Banks of the Wabash,” “Georgia on My Mind,” or “On, Wisconsin.” I suppose he’ll let them keep their hockey teams, too.

The whole episode should have brought about an instantaneous Cabinet meeting at which the 25th Amendment was invoked. The president was clearly irrational. Instead, there was Secretary of Commerce Howard Lutnick seconding the motion. From the Hill:

“The best way, the president has said it, the best way to actually merge
the economies of Canada and the United States is for Canada to become our
51st state. If they want to merge it, that’s how you make it the 51st
state,” Lutnick said on Fox Business Network’s Varney & Co.

It really is a cult, you know.

On the Bluesky app, journalist and author Garrett Epps shrewdly pointed out that in Fletcher Knebel’s Night of Camp David, one of the first manifestations of President Mark Hollenbach’s mental illness was his secret desire to merge the United States and Canada—as well as all of Scandanavia—into a single entity called “Aspen.” In fact, the book was reissued during the first Trump administration, and it was referenced on TV by both Rachel Maddow and Bob Woodward. Now, though, with the president’s grand design seeming to parallel the grandiose foreign-policy proposal of the fictional President Hollenbach, the book has taken on an even greater salience.

(By the way, the hero of the book is a young, ambitious first-term senator named James McVeagh with whom the crazy president shares his notions in the aforementioned night at Camp David. Maybe you can see J. Divan Vance in that role, but I can’t.)

In the novel, the crazy president sounds almost rational in explaining the irrational.

“Canada is the wealthiest nation on earth.” Hollenbach’s words raced after
each other. …“The mineral riches under her soil are incredible in their
immensity. Even with modern demands, they are well-nigh inexhaustible.
Believe me, Jim, Canada will be the seat of power in the next century and,
properly exploited and conserved, her riches can go for a thousand years.

.. But the merger of know-how, power, and character, the United States,
Canada, and Scandinavia, the new nation under one parliament and one
president could keep the peace for centuries. The president of the union
should be the man who dreamed the dreams of giants. ...

… “I only exclude Europe at the start,” said Hollenbach, and his face
quickly lighted again. “Right now, Europe has nothing to give us. But once
we have built the fortress of Aspen, I predict the nations of Europe will
pound at the door to get in. And, if they don’t, we’ll have the power to
force them into the new nation. … There are other kinds of pressure, trade
duties and barriers, financial measures, economic sanctions, if you will.
But, never fear, Jim. England, France, Germany, and the Low Countries, too,
can be brought to heel.

When Knebel wrote his classic Seven Days in May, about an attempted military junta in Washington, he was drawing on inside knowledge about the turmoil in the Kennedy administration between the president, the Joint Chiefs, and the intelligence community—turmoil that would do a lot to feed suspicions after the president’s murder in 1963. JFK was a big fan of the book, so much that he allowed director John Frankenheimer to photograph the White House so he could make the sets for his film adaptation.

In the case of Night of Camp David, Knebel was able to draw on American attempts to absorb Canada that dated back to the founding of the nation. In fact, Article XI of the original Articles of Confederation read as follows:

Canada acceding to this confederation, and joining in the measures of the
United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages
of this Union.

The American Revolution helped the new country break off those parts of British North America in and around the Great Lakes. We tried to seize the entire country in the War of 1812, but we failed, and we got Washington burned in the bargain. Through the years up to the American Civil War, there were annexation groups on both sides of the border.

In 1860, Secretary of State William Seward came close to annexing the territory from Washington state all the way up to Alaska, which at the time was owned by Russia. For a while, it looked like Great Britain might actually swing for the deal. But,when Seward bought Alaska in 1868, the people in the region began to feel uncomfortable with the U.S. closing in from both the north and south, so popular opinion shifted. Then, of course, there were the Fenians.

The Fenian Brotherhood was a product of one of the periodic risings in Ireland against British rule. It was the American wing of what was called in Ireland the Irish Republican Brotherhood. The American Fenians were a substantial force. They had money—upwards of $500,000—and weapons and an army made up of veterans of the American Civil War. (They were led by John O’Mahony, who’d fought with the 69th New York, part of the famed Irish Brigade.) After the war, the Fenians launched a series of raids into Canada. They came in two bursts—one in 1866 and another in 1870–71. They occurred all over Canada, from Manitoba to the Maritimes. None of them succeeded, and one of them, a raid around the Minnesota–Manitoba border, never even made it into Canada. The only real result was to strengthen Canadian nationalism; the raids were pivotal in the eventual development of the Canadian confederation in 1867, an arrangement that the current U.S. president believes would make a helluva 51st state. In the debate over forming the confederation, Sir John MacDonald said:

If we do not take advantage of the time, if we show ourselves unequal to
the occasion, it may never return, and we shall hereafter bitterly and
unavailingly regret having failed to embrace the happy opportunity now
offered of founding a great nation under the fostering care of Great
Britain, and our Sovereign Lady, Queen Victoria.

One of MacDonald’s primary concerns while forming the confederation was American meddling, especially in the rebellious western parts of Canada. He wrote to his minister of finance:

I cannot understand the desire of the Colonial Office, or of the Company,
to saddle the responsibility of the government on Canada just now. It would
so completely throw the game into the hands of the insurgents and the
Yankee wirepullers, who are to some extent influencing and directing the
movement from St. Paul that we cannot foresee the consequences.

You always have to watch out for those Yankee wirepullers. Can’t trust them worth a damn.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

it is a possibility now. i had waydroid running on a pinephone running postmarketos. pinephone is horribly slow. im planning on replacing the screen on my last phone (why i switched) and putting postmarketos on my fairphone, to give it a fair shake on decent hardware.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

don't bring drug addicts into this. many of them are fine people.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

oh yeah, got zooted

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 month ago (3 children)

i tried marjorana once.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

yes, i agree. but look at the link i posted. they still show it as gulf of mexico if you're in mexico accessing maps.

my point is more that the US has changed the name of the gulf in the US. it is very stupid and meaningless, but it is still officially renamed.

if i look at japan in google maps it says japan, not nipon. why? because that's what we call it here. i personally think thats dumb too. we should call countries things by their real names. deutschland, bharat, suomi, etc

nevertheless the gulf is called the gulf of america here, no matter how dumb that is.

i seriously doubt google, who is under active investigation for monopoly and being threatened to be broken up, AND, recently lifted its ban on using its ai in weapons, is interested in keeping the old name of the gulf in protest against trump.

again, i think this entire situation is stupid, and would prefer everyone call it the gulf of mexico, but i also don't think google specifically is doing anything wrong in this specific instance. google is doing plenty else wrong that matters much more.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (4 children)

if im not mistaken, i think i heard google pulls the data from some external database, which changed the name. google didnt change shit, rather the database they use did.

i could be wrong, but i could have sworn i read that somewhere.

also seems rather petty to me to sue an american company for following US policy changes.

to be clear, i think the gulf of america thing is stupid as hell, and petty on trump's part.

[–] [email protected] 69 points 1 month ago

Sounds like doge should cut its own funding

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

This is the correct answer

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

Mine doesnt do hot, but yeah id be down to see a study. I think paper production uses a bunch of water though.


I recently switched from a pixel 6 to a fairphone 5. There was stuff like a smart screenshot (which worked half the time) and the ability to select text most of the time. The fairphone doesnt have that, and i wonder if its a first party google feature, or if theres a different rom i should use.


I'm working on a python program, and i need to sync the results to an ipad as a todo list (with checkboxes)

I had been using google keep, and manually copying /pasting the data over from my cli based app. I will be out of the country for 2 weeks, so im updating my software to no longer being cli, and ideally syncing the final list to google keep or something similar, since someone else will be running the software. You know how normies get when they see a terminal window..

tried this googlekeepapi thing i found online, but the authentication was very complicated and i couldn't get it to work. There is no specific reason we need to use google keep, was just the first thing that came to mind when we set this system up, and it works well and is cloud based.

Do yall know of any service where i can programmatically generate checkbox lists, and sync them over the web?

I should note i do not have a server available to self host. could potentially spin something up locally with a raspberry pi, but would prefer not to have another potential point of failure.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm working on a python program, and i need to sync the results to an ipad as a todo list (with checkboxes)

I had been using google keep, and manually copying /pasting the data over from my cli based app.

I will be out of the country for 2 weeks, so im updating my software to no longer being cli, and ideally syncing the final list to google keep or something similar, since someone else will be running the software. You know how normies get when they see a terminal window...

I tried this googlekeepapi thing i found online, but the authentication was very complicated and i couldn't get it to work. There is no specific reason we need to use google keep, was just the first thing that came to mind when we set this system up, and it works well and is cloud based.

Do yall know of any service where i can programmatically generate checkbox lists, and sync them over the web?

I should note i do not have a server available to self host. I could potentially spin something up locally with a raspberry pi, but would prefer not to have another potential point of failure.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Funny and informative

Rule (

I have a client with locally hosted security cameras. There is a DVR box that has a port open and a 3rd party app you can view the cameras from. Traditionally we have been forwarding the port to the WAN via the router there. Its a restaraunt btw.

When the ISP upgrades the router every few years there's a huge headache trying to get the ports back open and bridging the modem and router blah blah blah. Not only this, even though they are supposed to have a static wan ip, it does change from time to time.

What i would like to do is plug in a raspberry pi on the network and forward the DVR's ports somewhere accessable.

Im thinking of something along the lines of wireguard, but just for a single ip/port that i can tunnel over ngrok. Seems doable but i'm having trouble finding the proper terms to google. Port forwarding generally brings up router config, and tunnelling seems to expect you to be on the device who's ports you wish to access.

Any advice?


Beth Gibbons has announced a new solo record, so I gave this album a listen

wireguard on freebsd (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am trying to setup a wireguard server on freebsd using this guide. the only thing i've done different is make the AllowedIPs

I seem to have messed something up because when I have wireguard running, i cannot ping or curl anything from the server. It doesn't take down the machine though, I am still able to ssh into the server.

I still have yet to get the client to actually connect, but i assume this networking issue is a potential cause. googling doesn't seem to help me find anyone with my same issue.

my wg0.conf is as follows

[Interface] Address = # address the server will bind to

ListenPort = 51820 # listener port

PrivateKey = [redacted]

[Peer] #phone

AllowedIPs =

PreSharedKey = [redacted]

PublicKey = [redacted]

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