
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

there is a cure for political illiteracy

They'd have to cure their normal illiteracy first, and that's kind of a tall ask I think

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

well when you say it like that, it makes me think that's cool as long as I'm part of the half that doesn't get exterminated

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

Extermination and jailing people aren't really equivalent.

You have plenty of out and about fascists who would vote for trump, actual groypers and nazis and shit. As a kind of, probe question, right, do you think it would be pertinent to go and actually kill those motherfuckers, given the kind of, borrowed time on which we're living right now, the lack of resources, right, lack of popular support from a mainstream political system and their ability to so clearly co-opt it in this moment, and impending climate change which means we can't waste time on them really more than is necessary. Those are some of the justifications that somebody might give for exterminating out and about fascists, right, even if they can't guarantee that those people are actual fascists, in their heart of hearts, and that it would've taken too many resources to convert them, or too much time. That's all normal shit, right, normal death sentence justification, which I usually don't agree with, maybe greased up a little bit since you can have the apologia of a kind of wartime or desperation, right. You get what I'm saying?

I agree with you also, that there are plenty (I would even say, a majority) of supporters that legitimately just don't realize how bad he is, and how bad things are in general, lots of them because they're coked up on denial and lack of imagination, lots of them because they stand to benefit from these systems as they currently operate. They might not be "racist", but they might still be perpetuating racism, they might not be fascists, but they might still be perpetuating fascism, through their ignorance and incompetence. Those people, right, sure, doesn't make much sense to kill them.

But then, how do you propose to change their minds? A staunch communist might propose that we change the system, and then the majority will more naturally come to like, normal conclusions, right, and then you can just round up the rest that are sort of very staunch in their misinformed support, and then you can perhaps "re-educate" those people, right.

This is a process most people have problems with, but I dunno, what's your take, what's your alternative? If you're dealing with those people, and you're still giving them the freedom to attain power, control the economy and other people's lives, even as misguided as they are, just sort of, for the sake of not having them in jail, right, then I dunno if that's really going to work long term. It locks you into an untenable position, especially as many of these people will be actively dedicated to your dissolution, even if they're just fooled, which dooms your movement from the start. You have to remove them from power, and if you want to remove them from power and ownership, while also not expatriating them from your country, an act which is usually viewed as genocide and for which you will constantly hear bitching from gusanos in the miami herald about, then you need to put them in some sort of reeducation camp, basically, and that camp is going to constitute jail.

So I dunno, hit me with your argument against that kind of jailing.

I don't really think there's any level of like, very natural reform that you're going to engage in, or slow convincing over time to get people to give up their own power, that's going to improve things, or that's going to improve things at nearly the rate that we need right now considering what's on the horizon. I might be wrong on that, but my basis for that belief is that people are in the positions of power that they're in because they are naturally groomed and ensured to be the ones who have the beliefs and attitudes most suited to retain that power. If you have a business size of like, hundreds, and you're promoting people in your business to positions of power, promoting people to become CEO by the board of directors, then naturally the system is going to start appointing people which reinforce the system. Asskissers who will do anything to get promoted, are usually the ones to get promoted, we know this. This doesn't even need to be a universal tendency, this just needs to be a tendency more of the time than not, for it to be really problematic, for the majority of people in power to be assholes. The board of directors doesn't want to start appointing CEOs that turn their companies into co-ops, that take the power out of their hands, there's a natural incentive structure there. The same is mostly true of political systems which are mostly autocratic.

So, I dunno if there's really much of an alternative, if we're taking a sort of, step back look down at that idea of jailing your opposition. Maybe you have one, I dunno.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 months ago

No no, OP, you see, how will I transport four fully grown corn-fed american patriots around?

A normal car?

No, I need to transport these four fully grown corn-fed american patriots while also transporting a bunch of material that I can't have in the cab of my car.

A trailer?

Don't be ridiculous, it's too heavy, a normal car couldn't tow that.

A slightly better car?

No, that's insane, it's much too heavy, and besides, I need to transport three metric tons of stuff, all outside of my vehicle, which means I need a trailer and I can't keep any of it in the back of my normal car.

A beefy cargo van, with a covered cabin, and a divider?

No, see, you simply don't understand, all my loads need to be uncovered. I'm transporting, uhh, loose gasoline? Not in a barrel, just loose in the bed, and 400 2x4s, and, uhh, gravel. I don't want a semi, because you need to be licensed for that and I would rather pay more to have a personal vehicle which is capable of all of this at once rather than pay for a delivery. I also need good ground clearance, because I'm going into the unpaved american wilderness with these large uncovered loads. I'm not antisocial, I just need to transport this to my off grid homesteading compound in the middle of nowhere, with my four platonic corn-fed american patriot roommates, or my fifteen sons and daughters which I've already pledged to my friends' other fifteen sons and daughters. How do I pay for all this? It's all super cheap, I swear, I'm just an honest normal rural farmer, and I work a normal job as a military defense contractor, or running IT for some wing of some megacorporation, or maybe I just have inherited money. Everyone wants to be me, but I'm the only person who's allowed to use this truck and say it's totally acceptable because this is a totally legitimate use and I'm just exercising my normal freedoms.

This is all normal, and fine.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

Unfortunately I don’t think threads are great for paved roads,

It depends on the type of tread, some are made to run on roads, some really aren't, or just kind of tear up roads. It's the same principle as running chains or studs on your tires when you're not in the winter or not in the mud. If you have rubber pads for contact on your tread, it could probably be better considering the load is spread out much more compared to the relatively small contact patch of a tire. The problem is that you're gonna outweigh that gain with the larger amount of emissions it's gonna take you to go anywhere on account of your treads not being as efficient.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

The top bike is referred to as the "lady bike", as you've said, but for any external viewers, the top bike is probably a better choice for city bike in general. There's the point about not having to swing your leg around when mounting and dismounting the bike, true, but the bike also promotes an upright seating position as opposed to a totally horizontal, leaned down, motorcycle like position, which will be more comfortable for long ride periods for most riders, at the cost of aerodynamics. The bottom bike is extreme overkill for most uses, but it's also the bike you're going to probably see most often in the US outside of mountain bikes, since nobody tends to commute on bike here.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

It's america, so it's not impossible

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

how much garbage do you produce on a daily basis that you need a truck to haul it hoo lee

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago (8 children)

I’d need a truck to tow it anyways.

Common misconception, but you do not, and a folding trailer hooked up to a car with a tow rating capable of pulling it takes up much less overall space when it's folded up than the truck will most of the time. You'll also probably get better gas mileage, which is a bonus, plus better pedestrian safety, less force going into a car crash which collectively makes everyone on the road safer, and makes it safer to crash into stationary objects, decreased roadwear, things of this nature. This sort of trailer setup is done all the time in europe, as another comment concurs.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago

america, home of the crybully industrial complex

[–] [email protected] 11 points 8 months ago

No, I think the main point in contention is mostly just that the experience of the American GIs are always centered in these tellings of the stories to american audiences, and obviously that's going to whitewash a lot of the history and context of a conflict and just transform it into "I got stationed in a random place I hated for a couple years and then I had to kill a bunch of people for reasons I didn't understand while they tried to kill all my friends and then I got back home and got jack shit for it". And then on top of that, those movies are going to be a lot about the psychological trauma that's inflicting on those particular american GIs, and often, again, without a broader context of what system they're placed into, it's just sort of like, turned into sanitized hollywood melodrama, much like how they'll sanitize any historical fiction into being oscar bait.

Obviously that's not gonna really be the same experience as, say, some random guerilla fighter somewhere, or some random person who just lives in one of these places. About the only movies I can think of that actually attempted to expand on that particular perspective was good morning vietnam, where that's touched on, but not explored, and maybe the breadwinner, which is a pretty good movie but also more just adjacent to what I'm talking about rather than directly in dialogue with it. I might be wrong on that one though, it's been a while since I've seen it even though that movie is fucking good and you should watch it.

That's my recommendation. Go watch "the breadwinner".

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