And the US has been supplying Israel those bombs that they are not supposed to use. Hmm.
And he thinks the leader of NK is just swell.
Yes, let us not forget that! I haven't.
I don't know if anyone is trying but someone in Congress should keep a running list of impeachable offenses and keep filing the full list every week until they have enough votes from more moderate Republicans. Sooner or later he will piss off enough of Congress.
Trump may sound like a dictator, but at least he actually CAN be removed and was voted in.
Trump has spoken numerous times about elections not being fair, after all his stunts this year I don't think we can possibly expect fair elections or even elections.
This makes me more determined to keep maintaining my old non-computerized appliances.
This is exactly what MAGA wants, a wife you can abuse that dies during childbirth so you can raise the child 100% MAGA.
His boss is responsible for this particular drunk monkey being in charge of the grenades.
You're right, they are like a bike with training wheels, helmet, and pads.
Colleges should be encouraging and supporting activism, not trying to censor and suppress it.
Ship them to El Salvador, but yeah.