For some reason New Pipe just doesn't work on my me device
I highly recommend 1Password. It's cross platform, including Linux, and it's not only a great and sort l super secure password manager, but it also does 2FA codes and if you use their auto fill tool, it will also paste the 2FA code to clipboard so you can paste it in seamlessly.
Everything is full encrypted and needs a really long, unique to you, key to decrypt. So no one will be hacking this anytime soon. Even 1Password cannot open your vault.
Sounds like they are giving you crap hardware. Also, the IT guy should set up the VM and make sure it works.
Also, as a dev you should INSIST that you MUST HAVE Linux available as well. You are the dev, you know what tools you need, it's not up to the IT guy to decide what software you need
I say this as an IT Tech/Admin who was responsible for running all the IT at my company offices. I had about 350 users/PCs to administer plus servers, printers, telephone system, door entry system, switches, WiFi system etc...
If a new guy started they told me what software he would run and what spec was needed and I'd get the right pc for the job and deploy the software needed. Not tell them what to use.
I'm not saying that because I like iPhones.
You are in the US so pixels are widely available and cheap. As is the FE series.
Where I live, outside the US, the Pixel is not sold nor will Google let you buy it. So pixel is a no go.
The Fan Edition Samsung costs virtually the same as the regular edition where I live, if you can find an FE. It costs €700+...
99% of our population can only afford €250-300 phones. €700 is out of reach unless you're single, hehe a great job and still live with mum and dad. Or you are the 1%.
So at that price ALL the android cameras are shit, shit, shit.
So, if I import from the UK a used iPhone 12 it will cost about €350. At that price NOTHING can touch it below €700.
Everything below €700 is Chinese cheapie and Samsung cheapie, also known as crap phones.
Thanks I'll give it a shot