Here's a toad pic for you (NSFW)
I just watched all of The Sopranos for the first time. Very interesting and polarizing ending! I believe Tony was shot. HBU?
Same. I'm not switching to Jellyfin yet either - mostly because of my boomer parents - but this is getting close to the tipping point for me
Republicans always project their own issues onto their latest scapegoats. They are a party of Nazis, rapists, child predators, embezzlers, wage thieves, and propagandists.
I wish you were my coworker.
I would eat that
I'm glad they are digging up the landfill to provide some closure to the families. What a horrible story
So I loved the first four seasons of the original series but thought it was pretty played out for the remaining four. I never watched New Blood, was it any good?
I liked Steve Schurripa on Sopranos, and it sounds like this reboot has a star-studded cast. Hopefully it's a return to form and not just milking the series further
70s CA or NV would be my guess as well. Love the aesthetic
Oh man switching back from Elden Ring to prior FromSoft games was a challenge. Jumping is handled differently in DS1, DS2, and Elden Ring, for example.
Lmao the autopen issue is just that Biden used an electronic signature, so now the pardons are invalidated? Guess I don't own my house then, I'm not an organ donor, my student loans should be invalidated, my medical procedures were never authorized, etc...
Tobacco plants: produce nicotine, a toxic alkaloid
Humans: imma smoke that shiiiiit