Impressive...sadly it produce low quality print, but it's good to see somebody actually made DIY Paper printer
Sometimes I wonder why there's no DIY Paper printer after seeing so...much shit in Printer Company ?
We had advance DIY 3D Printer that can made various objects with various size and materials and yet there's no DIY Paper printer until now
That topics always made me curious tho....take a sample AAA games back then has smaller size compared to shitty Unity 2D games nowadays and i wonder why ?
I never trust self driving/autonomous car no matter how advance their tech are
Interesting......seems the art style like 90s anime.
So..... what's the difference from other free search engine?
Is that subscription based search engine that everyone talks about ?
Its app that you can downloaded in F-Droid, basically it's a app that can control other app components. But before that you must Root/Unlock bootloader
Now time to make it look like some DeusEx heart
For now.....