I get that, but is it really necessary?
I've been using Fedora Core since 2004 and it seems like it's mostly worry free for me, but then again I remember the olden days when I needed to spend significantly more time on getting stuff to work. I think it helps to use mainstream hardware as well. I've been running thinkpads for years now and I think that probably helps with compatibility. I also tend to run refurbished older hardware because it's cheaper and I don't need bleeding edge performance.
I would assume if they were the ONLY hospital in Lubbock it would be different but it seems like there are plenty of other hospitals, albeit not level one trauma centers. I wonder if the area has "diversion" protocols already. The vast majority of patients transported by ambulances don't need level one trauma centers so its probably more nothingburger than the article is making it out to be
I agree with you but I'm constantly getting bombarded by folks who seem to think the contrarian and I just want to know if there is something I'm missing.