I did the whole thing including getting the wood in an afternoon / most of a day. The real trick is that the cement is really deep in there so digging low enough to get it all out by hand was a lot of work. Also it was hard to tell when the cement stopped. I needed to get it done because there was a gap in our fence that our dog could get out of and it happened on the one warm day in February the first time and early March the second time so nice weather was not a given. So I went fast.
Sounds terrible. Good luck
We had our fence posts fall down twice last year (Two different portions of the fence). I had to dig out and pull up the old rotten post and the now unattached concrete out of the ground. It was a simple process of just digging and pull up the concrete but a ton of work since its large and heavy. We then put a new post directly in the hole and used Sika PostFix instead of concrete to stabilize. We then used a pre-built fence section to replace the rotting boards. It was pretty simple but a huge pain in the butt.
I know that our fence is on its last legs. So we are trying to keep it standing as best and cheap as possible until we fix the whole thing
We are in the middle of our spring glow-up. So we just got a new fridge yesterday which means we had to move the old one and paint the radiator and baseboards in the kitchen. Before that we did painting in our nursery and replacing the light fixture in that room. We also painting our primary bathroom (walls, ceiling, vanity etc.) and replaced the light fixture in that room as well.
Our next project is to replace our sink in the kitchen which we have to double and triple and then quadruple check the dimensions before we buy it and get a plumber to install it. We still have to do some spot painting to cover up where our new mini-splits were installed last year. We are doing some hardcore nesting since we are expecting our first baby in September. Trying to get the house as finished before the weather gets nice and we can spend time outside.
If you would like to live there someday I would recommend that as your goal. I would recommend you start doing some research on permaculture which is about building wholly sustainability. Part of this sustainability is financial and piecewise building and investment. So if you want to build and live on this one day you will need the money for it.
So start with leasing the land for at least 1 year to get some cash and for you to better understand where you might want to build a structure and what you need. This allows you to plan and see what part would fit a dwelling the best. This also lets you figure out what you need for this house (i.e. water, electricity, waste removal etc.) as well as figure out how this investment can make money for you. Start small and build modularly. Your dwelling may start on as shack or even a place to set up a tent and grow larger. Same with whatever you end up doing with the land.
Permaculture talks about building food forests which are sustainable year round sources of food, goods or materials. Some of which you can sell or use yourself. These are typically perennial plants, vines and trees which all grow off each other and make a beautiful space. This can be your space for "remote working" either for yourself or visitors.
While planning on starting on this you can continue to lease your land to farmers as you slowly take it over yourself for your bigger vision. This is suppose to be small, slow but sustainable growth to your final vision.
I always feel nervous preordering anything. I got a new Fitbit so I think I have some time before it fails so I can see how this rePebble works out. If it is as good as it looks I might just get it. 30 day estimated battery life is amazing
I like Minnesota Progressives anyway
I have been a big fan since its less confrontation and quieter than either coastal politics or southern politics. Its boring and effective
He is definitely not an appealing to conservative candidate except for being white and not super young (He is 60).
But look at what Minnesota did under his governorship was all simple none flashy midwestern progressive values. Free school lunches, trans refuge status, abortions rights into law (as well as a supreme court case), funding for schools and legal weed. He is a progressive just not very flashy about it.
AOC would be great as a VP pick
I think the goofy dad demeanor is truly authentic and is disarming enough to get people to like him. Also I really enjoy his fisher stories where he tells the truth but makes it a little bigger or tuned to the audience. Since truth does not seem to matter anymore why not bend it a little bit
Well the person who did the narcan was the owner. So not the business but they invested in making it possible