How did he dodge the lawsuit
Ok moral agent of the status quo
Way out of line dude. Stop imposing your morality as the gospel. And you again misinterpret what I said. Who is gonna be the arbiter of what words are harmful? That line can be a slippery slope.
And the use of retarded was directed at something, not someone, in case you missed that.
I feel like you have the impression I lean towards a radical view of free speech, but I have not alluded to that. So hold your horses. I simply stated I was hesitant to donate to an instance that banned users based on the use of the r-word. I wasn't looking for an alternative, I simply talked about an idea I have had.
That's not the kind of filter I'm talking about. I mean that all content in still there and accessible (to everyone) but only hidden depending on user's settings/preference. This should not require manual labor, if filter is functional enough. That way it's not outright removed, preventing said consequences of potential biased censorship.
I'm not saying said filter is easily implementable but theoretically it'd be the best solution I think.
Perhaps a filter on the user side is better than to outright censor things. Then you preserve the free flow of ideas and opinion, while limiting unwanted exposure to uninterested people. That way you eliminate the biases of what is deemed permissible and what not. I think that is a good solution for both sides
Lol everything for short term profit huh. Who cares what happens in the future, right, nut my job
Sure, I just don't agree with the approach. I think it will backfire in the long run. But this is not a place to debate these things, I know...
It's tempting to donate but I was banned for using the r-word (against things, not people). I'm not sure if I want to support censorship though. But that's just my two cents... Idk
Hardcoded* Hungarian subtitles. Those were the days
Looks like a lostedit meme
Yeah I guess so. No need to walk on egg shells just to live a little.