Sounds great! Just one more thing... can I have a firepit in my backyard???
Hate to say it... I don't enjoy sites (as much) when there is no up/downvoting, so I don't like this idea either. Sorry.
And sometimes you should.
Very true... putting worry to work is both constructive and cuts down on the worry. I think I'm just outta steam today.
Heyyy, I never thought of us as lemmings till just now. Hmmm.
Why don't you ask AI?
Apparently, the first horror movie was made in 1896, so I'm guessing probably not. Just cracked me up when I read your comment while watching a freaking movie about birds gone mad. You have a special way with words, lol.
Lol, and here I am watching The Birds.
This is already low enough, but to do it when the country's already facing difficult times.... frak, ship 'em to mars or something.
But of course. Have we assigned anyone yet to give him milk & cookies at night and tuck him into bed.