and yet, people stay there.
... I fucking hate this particular dude’s refusal to recognize the taste of boot leather though, even as it impacts his supposed loved ones. It’s maddening.
i got family members like this; people whose spouses and children alike who are impacted by trump support and i wish i knew how to respond other than simply staying away because doing so also impacts the others around them.
i also wish i knew how to respond to the people who are impacted, but stay by their side nonetheless. like blue maga, they're enabling this behavior, but can't/won't see it.
That’s a serious problem that they don’t seem to be reckoning with.
and nor will they ever have to since they're the only perceived alternative to the republicans and the surest sign of it is schumer getting re-lected next time around despite his support for the latest cr.
Ocasio-Cortez “best reflects the core values” of the Democratic Party, a CNN poll of voters recently found.
-- but not the core values of the democratic leadership, as evidenced by pelosi cockblocking aoc from the oversight committee; sanders cockblocked from the nomination in the last 2 presidential elections; and the palestinians blocked from speaking at the convention in the last election; among other examples.
i think executive order 10450 was the last vestige of this era to be removed from our governing bodies and it lasted until 2016; 2 years after it bit me in the ass.
i also think that this was the reason why we didn't enact the equal rights amendment; to keep access to this kind prejudice alive as evidenced by the incrementalism that project 2025 advocated since the '80s.
then you've you've mistaken on what tankies are
is that deforest kelley on the far right?!
my goal is to share the knowledge that the petite bourgeoisie and the deeply uneducated are the reason why maga exists.
it’s because tankies support countries like Israel in other conflicts.
there must be a typo in here somewhere
the last election showed that the more well off you are, the more pro-trump you become, which means that your child will be proned to whatever for trump-ism takes in the future if they're not socialized well.
there's also a correlation with education, so maybe putting them through the best education you can afford would be the best hedge against your child turning into future maga.
when you look at the demographics who voted for trump: white women are already there and white people control the media, so that tide has likely already come in.
Not even the Democrats could do this with a Democrat controlled Congress and presidency