
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

It works fine I just need to use another launcher to manage it. If control 2 is epic exclusive then c'est la vie, there's plenty of other games.

[–] 1 points 4 hours ago

We'll see. I feel like there's more value keeping around the institution which says what substances and food you can or cannot sell and who can or cannot sell them than there is in the institution dedicated to making sure everyone has schooling, indoctrination is easier if people are stupid.

[–] 2 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

Unfortunately I avoid epic games mostly because it's just easier to use steam on Linux but I'm super looking forward to control 2, I'm sure it's going to look amazing.

[–] 3 points 5 hours ago

Only cares because he's hurting veterans so fuck him.

[–] 2 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (1 children)

Everything being too dark is just universal across games rtx or not at this point I feel like. Every game I play it seems I wind up having to crank the brightness to see anything when there's a bit of shadow.

[–] 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (5 children)

Some games have a better implementation than others. I kinda disagree that cyberpunk doesn't look a lot better with it on but honestly if you have to swap over to fsr so you can use framegen for path tracing yeah that looks pretty rough even on my 3090

If you want to play a game that imo looks amazing with it and is 100% worth it play Control cranked to the max. Doesn't hurt it's a good game.

Most of the time I'm inclined to agree its overblown though.

[–] 2 points 5 hours ago

Retard just means slow, and not mentally it just means slow as in not fast. There are absolutely other uses for it than talking shit about disabled people, for instance when you make bread the step where you put the dough in the fridge is called retarding, or a cold retard.

[–] 4 points 6 hours ago

Denazification famously failed because we literally gave up on it.

[–] 5 points 6 hours ago

It's 76% of republicans thankfully, not Americans.

[–] 6 points 9 hours ago (2 children)

We'll have an fda, once they rip it to sheds they'll stock it with whoever they want to and then say look we fixed the fraud, listen to these guys now. Having a government agency that can say "no drug that competes with an oligarchs drug you can't be approved" or "yes, you can shove unproven computer tech into people brains" is far to powerful to throw completely away.

[–] 4 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

Democratic leadership is fully controlled opposition, they'll find 14.

Downvoters, explain running to thiel and musk for money after the election then.

[–] 33 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

They're going to blame Biden, reality doesn't matter they'll say it was just too fucked up from Biden.


Hello, I set up my own lemmy instance and it can't comment on other instances. on the apps it gives me a language not allowed, on desktop the post button just spins eternally. And idea how I can fix this?

Edit: I've tried setting my language to undetermined, english, everything all at once - both for the user and the server itself. None of them work. Votes work though, I can upvote and downvote whatever I want and it shows up fine.

Edit2: I switched to a different domain and it works fine now. I think maybe something to do with the fact I am using this to learn so I had it up for a few days before i broke it all and maybe the other servers are like "wait that's not the same" or something. idk. i'm happy now either way.




Like I get it there's less people so less content but come on, using bots to just repost shit from reddit? What are we, 9gag now?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Edit: title was autocorrected lol.

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