We'll see. I feel like there's more value keeping around the institution which says what substances and food you can or cannot sell and who can or cannot sell them than there is in the institution dedicated to making sure everyone has schooling, indoctrination is easier if people are stupid.
Some games have a better implementation than others. I kinda disagree that cyberpunk doesn't look a lot better with it on but honestly if you have to swap over to fsr so you can use framegen for path tracing yeah that looks pretty rough even on my 3090
If you want to play a game that imo looks amazing with it and is 100% worth it play Control cranked to the max. Doesn't hurt it's a good game.
Most of the time I'm inclined to agree its overblown though.
We'll have an fda, once they rip it to sheds they'll stock it with whoever they want to and then say look we fixed the fraud, listen to these guys now. Having a government agency that can say "no drug that competes with an oligarchs drug you can't be approved" or "yes, you can shove unproven computer tech into people brains" is far to powerful to throw completely away.
It works fine I just need to use another launcher to manage it. If control 2 is epic exclusive then c'est la vie, there's plenty of other games.