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[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

You are 100% right. They wont allow it so it will be bloody. They have done a lot to keep the working class very poor so unfortunately i don't have any arms atm but as soon as i get some expendable income ill be grabbing an AK. Its funny how the right thinks that neo liberals are lefties. They don't have a clue what real leftists looks like

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

This is encouraging. I wish i found out about Lemm.ee sooner. I had heard of it before but for some reason stayed on reddit that is until they IP banned me for a comment essentially saying “international law states occupied indigenous populations have a right to resist and fight occupation by any means necessary including organized violence” and now seeing how reddit is attacking people for supporting Luigi Mangione and calling for revolution against a decrepit disgusting fascist regime that obviously wont allow for any systemic change within its own mechanisms is beyond concerning. We need people still on reddit to spread the word and help those still trapped in that awful corporatist controlled community to break free and join lemm.ee

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (6 children)

I was done with them before that. But seeing them malign and slander the only hope working class gen z and Millennials had for any chance at a decent life in bernie sanders’ campaign and how they manipulated the narrative to convince people the DNC leaks was a russian plot really made my blood boil. The lengths these fucks will go to ensure we never get another presidential administration that resembles FDR in any way ever again is fucking exhausting.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

I don’t think environmentally conscious people have been the core market for tesla products for at least 5-6 years. Now its just rich assholes who want to brag about having a novel technology in their garage. Hopefully the wall streets bets/ gme crowd was able to sell off their tesla shares quickly enough after the famous “autistic gesture” of “giving my heart out to the crowd” elon made at the inauguration. Because tesla going from 700+ a share to $248 in just a few years is just so fucking funny, what a dumpster fire. Even 248 is way more than that garbage product is worth. No good automobiles have been made in the usa since the early 1970’s right before nixon ended the gold standard and thus began the rapid decline of the us dollar and us industrial manufacturing strength.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Yeah who can forget the famous “if i have to chose between a shark and electrocution, im chosing electrocution every time” verbal diarrhea diatribe during the election saying “I said let me ask you a question, and then he said, thats a very smart wuestion, nobodys asked me that before must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT, VERY SMART” i cant believe americans still believe our elections have any semblance of integrity whatsoever i guess we can thank nixon and reagan for gutting education standards 40-60 years ago and legacy media for shoving fascist corporatist propaganda down our throats relentlessly since then.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

The only people buying teslas now are either maga morons which makes nl sense since they hate EV technology or people who can find them used so cheap they can’t pass up the deal. Many people are trying to get out of their contracts but are hindered because tesla put in a clause saying you cant sell jt for the first 2 years similar to what ferrari bently rolls Royce and other super high end sports/luxury brands do.(he is so egotistical he thinks his poorly engineered flammable paper weights are on the same level) it gives me pleasure and hope tk hear that generation z knows what a looser and grifter musk and his little orange bitch are. You raised him right, good job comrade.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Trump makes dubya almost look like a desirable president. I mean he is still a disgusting war criminal and j cant stand the bush crime family, dont even get me started on them. But that is how stupid and disgustingly overtly fascist Donald trump is he makes your less abusive ex president almost look like a good guy. Plus bush was so dumb while chenney and the corporatists behind him were calling the shots it was funny. Trump is so dumb and over confident he believes he has all this power and those with the real power are doing what they need to in order to humor him and maintain the illusory fantasy he believes in his adderal/cole/benzo fueled delirium its fucking dangerous to a level that is close to giving a 4 year old the nuclear football and changing the passcode to his favorite number / color combo

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah lithium fires from Ev’s is quite a prevalent issue. They require about 7-10 times the amount of water to extinguish. Chemical companies are currently trying to develop the best method for extinguishing them. I have heard fire fighters talking about this issue where they have submerged failed lithium ev batteries underwater and the batteries have actually reignited multiple times before being inert/safe to handle. Humanity needs to reevaluate the future of the automotive industry because lithium batteries as they are isnt a sustainable solution. Never-mind the bottleneck of lithium battery production that makes it almost impossible to scale up production the 1000-1500% needed to fully replace ICE vehicles.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Rich people all use drugs. Most of them can hide it better but now with trump and musk so ingratiated with political power its become so apparently obvious how high af they are all the time. Especially when he was so rolled out at the inauguration he was looking at the stars and rolling his neck around. Plus the bruises on trumps hands are probably from IV lines so he can self administer whatever cocktail of narcotics he self medicates with between live taping for the worst reality TV show in the history of reality TV shows and or the world. Lets not forget the guy who worked on the apprentice with trump said on the record that donny needed to maintain on adderall, snort coke religiously and then come down on benzos. Plus after his first administration the white house pharmacy wrote a record number of scripts for fentanyl and seemed to have misplaced a large amount of the drug as well. The war on drugs is just a tool to use militarized police and surveillance on leftists and vilify these demographics to low iq plebeians who trust what they are told through propaganda outlets.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

This is authoritarian fascism. fascism is the intersection/integration of government and corporate power and now the government is overtly run by corporatists and being used to protect their capital? People aren't destroying government institutions here they are destroying a billionaires piece of shit ev that has dozens of issues and that his publicly traded corporation cant give away so they have lowered the price so many times to try and coax dumb rich people to buy this $100,000 paperweight. If musk was so concerned about the public lashing back out against his reprehensible ideology then he should have thought a minute before doing a blatant fascist salute not once but twice at a live televised presidential inauguration. Maybe we can remove politics from it when the guy in charge of this dumpster fire of a corporation removes himself from politics(or the demographic of people actively performing cellular respiration). The sooner the better.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

There is already a rumor that the federal Government is going to sign a 400 million dollar (which would be like (2500-3000 armored cyber trucks maybe les depending on the tech installed in each of these cunt mobiles) deal To purchaae armored cybertrucks after they already disconnected all the superchargers installed at federal Facilities ?!?🥴🤔😵‍💫 I think a room full of third graders could run the government more effectively than these asshats

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

It is ridiculous. i know some luxury high end sports automobile retailers have this stipulation like ferrari, buggati, rolls royce, bently, but those are highly desirable vehicles and they want to limit the second hand market to increase the value of their product for better reasons than what musk is trying to do. He just wants to prevent mass sell offs of the shit boxes teslas are. If people who want to get rid of their cars but cant because they will be sued to oblivion by a company belonging to the (once) richest man on earth then Most tesla owners will end up not selling their shit box dumpster fires. I mean I definitely wont be owning an ev anytime soon for multiple reasons. Number one they are death traps(people have been trapped inside and cooked alive in multiple lithium battery fire incidents) plus the mining of lithium is not inly ecologically unfriendly and unsustainable but it is a form Of extremely exploitative resource extraction which is why there is only one lithium mine (in Nevada i believe)in the us and there is a struggle to open any other lithium vanes to extraction mining in the us(the largest one being in Maine if I remember correctly?) but there is a bottleneck within lithium battery production that many ev proponents are ignoring. We would have tk increase the production of lithium batteries by over 1000% just to meet the needs of the automotive industry to filly transition to EV and this doesn't even account for the cordless tooling industry, lawn care tooling like riding lawnmowers chain saws etc since a vast majority of pros in that industry still heavily rely on 2 stroke combustion tech to get the job done. Its just completely non feasible. We really need to dump research and development into improving solar power production and efficiency. There is a german company that has a viable solar car called Sono, its not perfect but this is the kind of tech we need to develop and invest in. Not space karen’s grifting schemes. Tesla is a fucking dumpster fire and allowing such a decrepit corrupt company to steer the behemoth of innovation that is the future of automotive and all high torque machine required industries for the next century is just so ass backwards dumb it isn't funny in any way. Its concerning and frightening.

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