Signal refusing to federate with WhatsApp, even though meta says they will still use the signal protocol is the most bone headed decision I have ever seen from them.
There no better chance to break the network effect than this.
You know it's funny that everytime someone says something you don't like they are immediately right wingers.
I don't even live in the west to have anything to do with left-right politics. And its fine that many don't agree with your view points, aren't the myriad of companies putting LGBTQ flags enough for you?
You are being sold access to their AI model, not just content. OpenAI is doing the same thing, and until the court bans that, it's legally ok, if you are asking morally, then that differs from person to person, and for companies any competitve edge is worth it.
I personally stopped caring as its going to happen anyway, the only way to stop it is the courts to get involved, as any search engine won't be competitve without AI assists.
And even that isn't clear, we don't know if AI learning is fair use or not, they are many arguments on both side, with big names like the EFF siding with the fair use.
Honestly I don't care about his political beliefs, and Brave search is the only competitve independent search engine out there, it's genuinely a joy to use. Until AI crawling gets banned they aren't doing anything wrong.
Brave continues to be the best mainstream private browser, backed by actions instead of empty words like Firefox.
No body said it's going to have the same level of security, but that still doesn't mean that should just give up on it, just put a small icon indicating this is a WhatsApp user.