Nah, basic bitch Ubuntu.
They are releasing it now so the base forgets about it in two to four years.
Nope. Just installed vlc and either stream from my nas or USB drive. I'm a fan of simple
At a minimum yes.
They believe experience = better. In some cases that can be correct like sales.
Ed Zitron's podcast this week was discussing this very thing. The bubble is going to break eventually.
Part of his brand is that he is authentic in his beliefs. He also has had numerous people on in the past that he did not like personally but was able to have a civil conversation with. I think John could run for president and win but I also think he doesn't want the headaches or he would have done it already.
My deck has been my primary gaming device since I got it. Aside from gaming mode I use it for a video station while I'm traveling.
Playing around in desktop mode helped me learn to navigate Linux in a 'safe' environment so now I've reimaged my old gaming machine with Linux and thats working great.
Hope you are right but I'm not holding my breath.
Well, someone link it already!
Never. They are "true believers"
I wonder if the ATCs will respond to the 5 accomplishments emails they will get