It's been theorized that Amazon is progressively making all Alexa devices worse so they can sell you on a subscription based AI version.
We need to form large groups of like minded individuals that have enough voting power to sway the parties. If a socialist gun club had 4 million members you'd have congresspeople and senators lining up for meetings like they do with the NRA or used to do with large unions.
We're all isolated now, therefore weak. The more groups we form the more we amplify our voices. Most of us are voting "anything but Republican" not for the change we actually desire.
Stabbing is so passe. I'm predicting the new rage will be small pov racing drones with incendiary devices strapped on.
Don't need line of sight, cheap, can train in the comfort of your own home.
Ah fuck yeah. Didn't know this was a thing but I'm on board.
Ten years ago I would've called you a conspiracy theorist. Now however, I am in agreement. We need a new party for the working class because both parties are a bunch of filthy traitors.
We did pay for it.
We're still giving Elon $80 million a day.
Just a reminder than the dnc knew Bernie was a stronger option than Hillary but gave her the nomination instead. The dnc only cares about your money, not your opinion.
Don't feel bad. I'm a man in the USA working in a corporate office. When my son was born I took my time off and it was fantastic for bonding with my son and helping my wife out. Honestly IDK how so many women do it alone.
I'd feel worse about making my wife work extra hard than my colleagues... That said, the person covering my area screwed everything up so badly I decided it was better to find a new job vs fix it. So I took my three months, worked a week and put in my notice and got paid out for another two months of accrued leave.
The Dems have been letting Republicans do this shit because it worked to get them elected for years. "Oh look they did something bad, you have to elect me to fix this!" But they don't fix shit anyways. If they don't shut down the government, we need a new liberal party.
The market demands results, all hail capitalism. It's only burned the house down twice.
Yes, but many people simply don't vote because they know their chosen party will win easily. By the numbers there are more Democrats than Republicans.
I'm with you that my favorite changes with my mood but probably final fantasy tactics. Story is great, graphics have aged like wine, great variation in play styles, the death cries of my enemies will always play like music to me.