Did you watch a different video? He said that reality-challenged tankie spaces aren't able to contribute to a leftist movement that is able to attract workers.
That sounds entirely accurate to me.
Did you watch a different video? He said that reality-challenged tankie spaces aren't able to contribute to a leftist movement that is able to attract workers.
That sounds entirely accurate to me.
Mostly an internal threat. Internationally, as the article said, people are just reducing dependencies on the US to reduced potential damage if trump decides to try bullying.
That doesn't make sense. Nobody fears them here in Europe.
As the article said, this just led to European leaders intensifying the decoupling from dependencies onto the US, which makes its current bully administration less powerful and less able to hurt Europe.
Every village had a village idiot, now they network.
Wrong, the science community is slowly switching to bluesky
Same here in Germany, but these two parties are not at all the same, even if they don't differ much in that one (and a bunch of other) issues.
For sure, I'm just saying that the actual fascists should always get the majority of the blame, even if it's pathetic for their rivals to fail to prevent their win.
Less than nothing, it made the world a worse place.
Why blame the better of two bad options?
Be honest and blame both bad options.
(I'm not referring to the greens here, they aren't a real option)
What a meaningless thing to say in this context, as both parties act the same way: supporting Israel.
So the only difference we have to go by is words. And Trump's are the most ghoulish shit any elected politician has said so far.
Cue “am I out of touch” meme.
OP, it's OK to no longer be up-to-date with the literature scene.
He made a case against elitist/purist versions of leftism, so you accusing him of excluding people that aren't ideologically pure enough indicates that you massively missed the point.
Similar with “left-bashing”: he's a leftist, why would he? He has views about what makes us unable to be attractive to a wider audience, that's constructive criticism.