There's a cliff next year across UK, it is not going to be pretty. You are going to see a lot of merging, collapses and stuff next year. Brexit really destroyed a lot and now it is really coming home to roost. It was the professors that left first, now the students, nearly 4 years on the dot. It is not a coincidence. I saw the school turn homogenous, and a lot of the life left after Brexit. It was depressing to see so many cool people leave. We got announced that we have to lower internal costs by a third next year (I won't be here). The US is just a dumpster fire on that front for obvious reasons. From what I hear, unis in Aus are also having trouble. This is a wider problem though.
Makes Cheryl Tunt look more realistic than this family.
lmao I unironically got this from someone down under. I heard about that.
Corporations aren't left wing, people. They're not human and they're private property.
This meme called me a filthy lib.
lol yours goes there too, I promise.
Steam OS, it's not released to the public yet, but I know others waiting for it too.
Nope. I'm currently in England and a lot of it they burn with the rest of our garbage too. Other places here still ship it to the third world. We still have a long way to go before the garbage and recycling problem is fixed. (this is for new not existing which will be in use for a while yet)
This is a global problem, fortunately consumers are better at separating their waste these days. A lot of these problems are up stream, though. Some places are getting better as per above but they are not good with this stuff. These laws are meant to set bare minimum standards and they are repeatedly missed.
We already have. It's been cheaper for a while now to go abroad for undergraduate and graduate school. Source: Me. I did this for the golden visa and got tricked by stupid sexy science. I have met several like me in the last decade. It's been a long time coming.
A lot of ours has sinks, this wasn't at mine though. :)