
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 2 months ago

You might need to have the 'show nfsw' setting turned on. Anyway, they look like this:


So the theory that they were downvoted for spamming someone's feed likely has validity.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

More abuse of this post for testing PieFed user mentions (sorry if you seeing this). Other direction this time.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Back again, as reply to post:,

EDIT: autocomplete was originally messed up, but this shows Mentions as raw and filled in by Lemmy's UI (both are clickable on PieFed, and this edit shouldn't notify anyone again)

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)
[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

Remote comment that doesn't get a Mention until the edit (although it'll have to be to andrew, 'cos I replied with the wrong account).


[–] 1 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Cool. Paging you (although you should only get one notification):
Also: paging

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Neat. Just have to do it the other way now.

[–] 11 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I'm guessing that this post is supposed to be a link to a video like this one:

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

I screenshotted this from their 'trending' page, which suggests that their content is garbage and their tech is fucked.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

He fixed things to get the missing communities back, but it looks like subsequent runs of the crawler lost them again, so now it's rejecting updates because the difference is too great (it always used to do this, so I don't know how it was publishing with so many missing before).

Anyway, it looks like I'm going to have to do the most NSFW imaginable - look at someone else's TypeScript project. I'll get back in touch with him if it doesn't correct itself, but it'll be nice if I can figure out what the problem is first.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Upstream crawler is missing about 20k communities - normally shows about 30k.

I've messaged the maintainer.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

Hmmm. Speaking of Fediverse interoperability, platforms other than yours (Pandacap) typically arrange things so that was the domain, and something like was the user, but Pandacap wants to use for both. Combined with the fact that it doesn't seem to support /.well-known/nodeinfo means that no other platform knows what software it's running.

When your actor sends something out, it uses the id, but when something tries to look that up, it returns a "Person" with a subtly different id of (no trailing slash). So there's the potential to create the following:

  1. sends something out.
  2. Instance hasn't heard of that, so looks it up, and creates a new user in its database, with the returned ID (
  3. sends else something out. Instance looks in it's DB, finds nothing, so looks it up and tries to create it again. The best case is that it meets a DB uniqueness constraint, because the ID it gets back from that lookup does actually exist (so it can use that, but it was a long way around to find it). The worst case - when there's no DB uniqueness constraint -is that a 'new' user is created every time.
  4. Repeat step 3 for every new thing you send.

If every new platform treats the Fediverse as a wheel that needs to be re-invented, then the whole project is doomed.


As you may have noticed, the crawler at isn't picking up anything from instances on versions 0.19.4 or 0.19.5.

The Issue itself is easily fixed, and there's already a PR for it from's admin, but there's been no response from the lemmyverse developer.

Does anyway have any other ways of contacting him?
If this continues (I realise 2 weeks isn't that long), is anyone interested in forking the code and hosting it on a new domain?



(bonus opportunity to brush up on your Portuguese swear words)


I realise this is a known issue and that isn't the only instance that does this. Also, I'm aware that there are other things affecting federation. But I'm seeing some things not federate, and can't help thinking that things would be going smoother if all the output from the biggest lemmy instance wasn't 50% spam.

Hopefully this doesn't seem like I'm shit-stirring, or trying to make the Issue I'm interested in more important than other Issues. It's something I mention occasionally, but it might be a bit abstract if you're not the admin of another instance.

The red terminal is a tail -f of the nginx log on my server. The green terminal is outputting some details from the ActivityPub JSON containing the Announce. You should be able to see the correlation between the lines in the nginx log, and lines from the activity, and that everything is duplicated.

This was generated by me commenting on an old post, using content that spawns an answer from a couple of bots, and then me upvoting the response. (so CREATE, CREATE, LIKE, is being announced as CREATE, CREATE, CREATE, CREATE, LIKE, LIKE). If you scale that up to every activity by every user, you'll appreciate that LW is creating a lot of work for anyone else in the Fediverse, just to filter out the duplicates.


For anyone unaware, a community's outbox typically contains the last 50 or so Post Announcements - it is retrieved when you are the first person to find a community on a remote instance. It also seems to be fetched whenever an community on a remote instance realizes it's out of sync with the community on its host instance.


curl --header 'accept: application/json' | jq -r .outbox           
curl --header 'accept: application/json' | jq .       
  "error": "unknown",
  "message": "Record not found"


curl --header 'accept: application/json' | jq -r .outbox      
curl --header 'accept: application/json' | jq .orderedItems[0]   
    "id": "" 
    ... (the rest of the most recent post from linux memes)

(I came across this randomly, so I don't know if 'memes' is the only community missing an outbox. Others I've tried have been OK though)


Hello again,

February's finally over, so 4 Frame memes are old news. Now, for March, memes with rhymes in them are what's required to get Featured in the Community.

This one will be stickied until a new meme with (ideally terrible) rhymes in and [ILPM] somewhere in the title is submitted, and then the new post will be stickied instead (it's a manual affair atm, so it won't be instant)


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