Just a warning: this takes pretty much every bad FF trope you can think of and turns it to max. Awful reading.
People really think this. Most peoples knowledge stops at "evolution is when thing become better". And people that do realize don't talk about evolutionary pressure in the gut microbiome in the comic community.
I get cold just thinking about this. Turning off the shower is my least favourite part of showering. Why repeat the experience several times in one session?
If you watched the video, you would know you don't actually own the battery but lease it from the manufaturer.
Nono, the other way round. Visit it with chrome and spoof a firefox user agent, so it looks like you used firefox, while you can still use the website.
Bullshit. I can use docker without the docker hub very easily. Anyone can host docker images, and docker allows this, no weird hacks needed.
Docker does not lock you in with the docker hub though. So no hostage taking.
For the lazy: "The oldest surviving torrent we have seen is a copy of the Matrix fan film “The Fanimatrix”."
Honestly, a bit of a mixed bag. The FP4 has some weird software issues sometimes, which you probably won't see at the big name brands: ghost touches, camera crashes (requires a reboot), problems with call quality, etc. I think the pros probably outweigh the cons, but something to keep in mind.
Not sure how big the problems are with custom ROMs. Also, FP5 is coming soon(-ish), so maybe some of the problems will be fixed?
It can hide cookie banners for you with the right settings. Since gdpr dictates no choice = no cookies, this should block all tracking stuff.
I don't remember what exactly you need to enable, but you can use DDG to find out.
No, this is the 'original' Phillips, that is now focussed on medical devices. And hue lights are (confusingly) produced by yet another seperate former piece of Phillips: Signify, the former lighting devision.