
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

don't like them either, but i think people watch it because they get context.

they also get told, how they should feel about it. seems like people stoped making up their own mind. it's easier, i guess.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

depends on the content, as well. an article needs a link, but i like it when the important part is quoted, so i don't have to click the link to follow the comments.

memes/images should be postet directly. no one will follow a link to a site with an image even mastodon etc. post the image and add the source. same goes for "social" media posts. post the screenshot and a link to the source, so i don't have to go to some nazi-site to get the information.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

or just use syncthing, nextcloud, ect and stop supporting tech oligarchs.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

you have to keep the time in mind, when it was published.

i played it with a friend on a weekend. prepared with lots of microwave popcorn.
it was not so much about the jump scears, but more the atmosphere. the sound of the radio, when a zombie was nearby, was nerve wrecking at times. then the other dimension (forgot the name)

and that was published on the playstation 1. for me it is like mgs, they tried to squeeze the last bit of performance out of the hardware.

i haven't played it since. so i don't know how it aged. but when it came out, there was bothing like that.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

it's sad, that there is nothing in this comment i can't agree on.

but i think, IF (big one) op is able to eff out when things go belly up, they should absolutly scream from the rooftop.

thing is, that i know nothing about lgbtq+ in the us. here in germany the nazi party leader is in a lesbian partnership, so take what i say with not just a grain of salt.

BUT (also big one) this is how the big shit startet over here. nazis are not the real problem. it's the fear of the ordenary people to stick out. people need to realize, that their future will be uncertaint even if they fit the narrative for now. because there is no ending. lgbtq+, jewish, muslim, latino, black, women...

from this side of the pond it looks like you should think about having a plan b. like leaving the country plan b.

with that little asterisk in mind, i would say, op should feel the water. what is the mindset of other teachers, children, neighboors? are there other lgtbq+ people? what do they think you should do.

p.s.: it would be so emberassing if i had to stop reading after the first paragraph of the comment, wouldn't it?

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

that's that what they call every week, when a mass shooting happens, right?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

"last week tonight" just published an episode on that topic

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

ich denke dass grow reports wenig dafür geeignet sind kommentare an zu ziehen. in den meisten fällen gibt es nicht viel mehr als "sehen gut/gesund aus" zu schreiben.

interessanter wären warscheinlich vergleich grows, wobei ich auch da behaupten würde, kommt es hauptsächlich auf das ergebnis an.

hilfe posts werden sicherlich am meisten "engagement" erfahren, da kiffer zum einen gerne helfen, es aber auch oft verschieden meinungen/erfahrungen gibt.

ich denke op hätte einen größeren "kosten nutzen faktor" bei einzelnen wöchentlichen update bildern. im text evtl ein highlight aus der woche picken und bei problemen/fragen/anmerkungen dann spezifische posts erstellen.

das soll nicht heißen, dass ich ops post nicht gut finde. nur kann ich mir vorstellen, dass es wenig spaß macht bei geringem feedback.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

in newpipe you don't log into youtube. so minimal data harvesting.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

in my client (voyager) when i type "!" and then start typing the community, i'll actually get suggestions. not sure if it's only the ones i subscribed, tho.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (2 children)

when i say: fuck donald trump!
you really think i wanna fuck him?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

i don't think it is heated.

i leave the heater in my bedroom of all year. when i leave the door open it is just a bit colder that the rest of the flat.


are there plans to make loops.video posts play in the integrated player?

big part of my reddit experience were the short videos. we have come a long way, since i joined lemmy. and now with pixelfed and loops i feel like we are close to become full circle.

i'm pretty sure there are a lot of possibilities. when it come to propper integration.

but for now, i'd be pretty happy, if the posts containing a video from loops.video to play in the integrated player.
is this already planed?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

i think yesterday i saw comments on some cbs youtube videos, that catched my eyes, for the first time. i mean, they are obviously fake. today again, on different videos, but always the same sentiment: "great post! keep going! emoji, emoji"

but why? i'd understand hate comments, but that?

am i going nuts?

screenshot taken from:


might be a stupid question and bad timing, but tend to watch the replays during the week, because i'm not from the us and i like to see not all but most of them.

i had some subs added to my reddit, but while scrolling i spoiled some matches and got upset, so i unfollowed the subs again.

so before i follow this community, i just would like to know, if i might reget it later on.


you know, like on the other website.

maybe when you donate to your instance, you can get some, or when you have x amount of upvotes, or when you have cake day (whe call it like that, right?)


in and out of fediverse.

shoppingtour (programming.dev)

dacht mir, ich halt mir 1-2 muttis. mal gucken was die gen-lotterie so schönes im angebot hat.

bin mir nur noch nicht sicher, ob ich mit einem strain anfange oder mitm mix starte.
sortenrein wär einfacher wegen lichtentfernung, dünger etc. aber ich möchte auch durchprobieren...


hey guys

I'm pretty new to this web-stuff

i got a vps where i'd like to install nextcloud. i want it to be reachable via cloud.example.com

i also have a homeserver with octoprint and stuff on it. i'd love to be able to access that with octoprint.example.com

that's what you pros use a reverse proxy for, right? but how do i do that?

install nextcloud with appache and use nginx as the proxy? i guess i could also use haproxy for that as well? what would you recomend as setup?

sadly nginx proxy manager is no option. but is there another easy to config method?

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