
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Have a look at the demo site. Everything is set up there already. I personally use the generous free tier of MapTiler.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago
  • There is a mountain symbol on the map. Press it to activate the terrain. Drag the compass needle to tilt the map
  • Thanks, fixed,
  • A public trail is visible to everyone, including non-registered users. A shared trail is only visible (or editable) for the users you share the trail with
  • If you add a summit log to a trail it is considered "completed"
  • Can you provide a full error stack trace, please?
[–] 7 points 1 month ago

Thank you very much! Really appreciate the kind words :)

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Unfortunately Garmin does not offer their API to private consumers:

I have not found a way to pull the data without API access.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

Recording is currently not possible with wanderer itself. I personally use osmAnd to record my trails and import them into wanderer. If you don't want to expose wanderer to the public your friends would need to send you their trails, yes. But I guess that's no different with any other service.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Currently, it creates a new trail every time. I agree that the name is a bit unfortunate. It was fitting when wanderer started out because back then it was solely made for hiking. I plan to transform summit logs into leaderboards similar to strava in a future update. Then I will probably also rename the summit logs to something more fitting.


Hey everyone, #What is wanderer? wanderer is a self-hosted GPS track database. You can upload your recorded GPS tracks or create new ones and add various metadata to build an easily searchable catalogue. Think of it as a fully FOSS alternative to sites like alltrails, komoot or strava. #What is new? I'm coming back here to tell you a bit about what has been happening since my last update. Since then, we implemented some highly requested features:

  1. A fancy new 3D model on the front page (there is an easter egg, can you find it?)
  2. wanderer now uses vector map tiles which results in a significant performance boost for everything map-related
  3. As a result, we now also support topographical 3D maps in wanderer (see gif)
  4. Greatly improved social features: from list sharing, over profile pages and activity feeds to notifications
  5. The better location search allows you to search right down to the address
  6. And finally probably the most requested feature: integrations. You can now sync all your trails from strava and komoot directly with wanderer without having to manually export/import them

Big thanks to everyone who contributed code or translations! If you have any suggestions/questions feel free to let me know below.

Have a great weekend!


[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Yes, bulk imports are supported. You will need to download them from GOSLogger first though.

[–] 5 points 4 months ago

Currently no. I really like Dawarich for this purpose and I feel like I wouldn't be able to add much.


Hey everyone, wanderer recently celebrated it’s 10th anniversary. Well, as far as minor versions go at least.

First and foremost: What is wanderer? wanderer is a self-hosted GPS track database. You can upload your recorded GPS tracks or create new ones and add various metadata to build an easily searchable catalogue. Think of it as a fully FOSS alternative to sites like alltrails, komoot or strava.

Next: Thank you for almost 1.2k stars on GitHub. It’s a great motivation to see how well-received wanderer is.

By far the most requested feature since my last post was the possibility to track your acitivities. This is now possible on the new profile page which shows various statistics to help you gain better insights into your trailing/running/biking habits. Lists have also received a major upgrade allowing you easily bundle a multiday hike and share it with other users.

If you want to give wanderer a try without installing it you can try the demo. When you are ready to self-host it you can head over to to see the full documentation and installation guide. If you really like wanderer and would like to support its development directly you can buy me a coffee.

Thanks again! Cheers Flomp

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Ah yes, sorry, the upload is currently capped at 5MB. You can change that limit in the PocketBase backend. I will add a guide to the docs.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Happy that you got it working. What exactly does not work with the photos? Fell free to open a GitHub issue, if that's easier.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I really love working with PocketBase. It gives you such a headstart, but also is highly customizable. It's really the best of both worlds.


Hey there,

it's been a while since my last post. Since then - with the help of this awesome community - I have added multiple new features and fixed a lot of bugs.

Most importantly there is now a working demo alongside a shiny new landing page.

And here are some more fun features I added since then:

  • Trail drawing: in addition to uploading you GPX, TCX or KML files, you can now also simply draw a trail by defining multiple waypoints. The route between them will be calculated automatically.
  • Sharing trails: simple and straightforward - you can share your trails with other users and let them view or edit.
  • Printing trails: there is now a dedicated print view. Plan your adventure digitally and then take it with you on paper.
  • wanderer is now available in 8 different languages (thanks to translators from the community). If you would like to contribute a translation you can do so here.
  • You can now bulk upload multiple trails at once simply by putting them in a dedicated auto-upload folder

And much more. I'd be happy if you give it a try in case you haven't yet.

GitHub repo:


Over the last two months, I developed wanderer. It is a self-hosted alternative to sites like or in other words a self-hosted trail database. It started out more as a small hobby project to teach myself some new technologies but in the end, I decided to develop it into a fully-fledged application.

Core Features:

  • Manage your trails
  • Extensive map integration and visualization
  • Share trails with other people and explore theirs
  • Advanced filter and search functionality
  • Create custom lists to organize your trails further
  • Chique design with a dark and light theme
  • Fully mobile compatible

wanderer is completely open-source. You can find the GitHub repo here:

wanderer is still under active development so if you encounter any bugs/errors or have suggestions please let me know here or open an issue on GitHub.

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