I finally figured out how to get the terrain stuff going on my Wanderer. Super cool!
Now I'm trying to figure out my future workflow... can you shed some light on it?
Currently everything I upload is its own "Trail". This goes for the Strava integration, as well as me just uploading a GPS track.
Trails are nice because they all show up on the Map, making a cool overview of everything I've done. Obviously over time this might bog down the system when viewing the map.
Trails aren't included in the statistics, which is a bummer.
So, I played around with moving each of my activities into broader "trails", based on where the activity took place. I think that's probably how Wanderer is supposed to be used, because when I move activities from being a "Trail" to being a "Summit", they are counted in the statistics.
The only downside to that is they don't appear on the map, unless you click the specific Summit.
So, basically, my question is -- should I just accept the fact that I should move everything into being a Summit, so I can enjoy the statistics?