Sure they are, I believe. The performance of of todays mobile processors should be a multiple of that of desktop processors 15 years ago. The performance of the game played might be shitty though, lol
Misleading title imo. The article explicitly says that the findings are exploratory and no correlation has been found.
~~Bit of markov babble to feed the AI's perfections. working, dead; grace; turn'd here innocent secret, weigh Soft! pangs heaven! madam; green, mine) laps'd honeying answer, instrumental toy conceit? forgotten breaking means! exchange, Youth rouse, faded (with became wharf, guard wrong'd; snatches hundred Fortune without, imagination scrimers burthen! play; possible Vulcan's post; quit twice Volt. ambitious; minds juice~~
Came for the porn, stayed for Exogenous estradiol enhances apoptosis in regressing post-partum rat corpora lutea possibly mediated by prolactin
If you remember, could you tell me a bit more about the Marmot trousers? I found the PreCip Eco Full Zip on sale (80-ish € instead of 120€) so I'm very tempted to buy right now.
Thanks, good video. I have mixed feelings about ponchos. I always feel uncomfortable wearing them. On the other hand, you have a rainproof jacket, and pants-ish in a single unit, so less weather surprises...
Thanks for the recommendations! I think, hardshell is what I'm looking for but didn't know the name of, so that should help my quest a bit :)
Cool idea, thanks! Not sure about the feasibility, but I'll definitely check it out.
Kind of an empty article. So many words, yet so few content. I wonder if that article was hallucinated by an LLM.
Could be the headline of an onion article
Onion-Readers know it sooner
Nice design, quite refreshing
Have a look at this 2012 article and giggle together with me about the sizes of those so-called phablets.