It would be interesting to see if he resigns. Then another point of data can be added to the ever-running observation of where actions actually have consequences in the us government.
I would sooner ask the common burdock it's opinion on economics.
Perhaps we take those dogs. When the unruly mobs kick in the mansions of the ultra rich, we let the dogs feed once more.
Was this the swamp that needed draining?
Jokes aside, I can't see why a swamp would need draining beyond the needs of expanding suburban sprawl. Leave the wonderfully diverse ecosystems be, to flourish and rot in peace.
One step at a time. You think a bog witch just runs a hose into a low section of woods and becomes a swamp hag overnight? No, these things take patience and care.
Well I recall reading about what happened the last time vikings tried to land on American shores, and I say bring em on!
I just need to check my notes real quick.
Okay so it turns out we may have genocided the people who defended their homeland against some of the most feared warfighters of that time, so perhaps trump just drops this whole thing before unnecessary blood is shed.
Seriously, anyone who gets so much as a papercut as a direct result of one of trump's orders is regretful and unfortunate.
I'm sure that will drastically improve the already wonderful and welcoming community.
Can't wait until we're all mandated to purchase teslas. Garnished wages taste better.
For how long will it remain just vocal discontent?
Mussolini didn't string himself up from the service station, the enraged masses did.
Unfortunately, I bet it already has plastic in it.
Not 1% rich, as the article says.
Years of being unable to afford preventative care, and insurance coverage denial for helpful procedures, mean the average person will die sooner. The lifespan of Americans is much lower, despite higher costs of healthcare, when compared against peer countries.
I bet there's more plastic in poorer people as well.