The Witcher 1, 2, and 3 + DLC ;)
Patient Gamers
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
I don’t recommend any games because I purchased a large backlog I can't complete.
I'll always recommend Catherine, Bayonetta, and Crimzon Clover: World EXplosion. Cheap, extremely fun, and very replayable.
Also, one of the best fighting games of all-time for $4: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R.
And if you're a Persona person, maybe don't sleep on Persona 4 Arena Ultimax? Super fun fighting game and relatively cheap.
Celeste is 75% off and is a near-masterpiece of a game.
Portal 1 and Portal 2 are on sale again of course on the chance you haven't yet hit these absolutely classic legendary games.
Persona 4 Golden is 40% off and is awesome, and Persona 5 Royal is 60% and is even more awesome.
Metal: Hellsinger is 70% off and while it isn't a GOTY type game, it's a hell of a lot of fun if you're a contemporary metal music fan.
but my biggest recommendation is probably gonna be
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale at 80% for only $3.99 (US) which is an completely underrated hidden gem of a game and a huge recommendation for anyone who likes quirky cozy-hybrid games or who, like me, spent way too long on the shopkeeper segments in RPGs like Torneko Taloon's chapter in DQIV.
edit: why in the world would anyone ever downvote a personal recommendation comment? Weird behavior, fam
Btw Recettear is getting a HD remaster in 2025.
Eyyy I hadn't heard that yet! That's awesome, thanks for sharing!
If you like Recettear you should check out Final Profit:
Ori & the Will of the Whisps is an incredible story, on sale for pretty cheap right now!
Here is a link to Steam DB showing popular games more than 50% off:
Noita is currently 60% off and is hands down the best game I have ever played (kind of). It is ridiculously brutal and you will die very often but you have the potential to get ludicrously powerful as well. The game will cheese you so don't be afraid to cheese it back. In has so much content that beating the final boss for the first time is considered beating the tutorial.
Also if the some aspects are too bullshit for you there is a variety of mods to fix these, and there is absolutely no shame in using them.
my reccomendation? whatever's on gog
in all seriousness, you can't go very wrong with games made by valve, portal especially.
Doom (2016), Doom Eternal, Helldivers 2, Broforce
Talos Principle is $5
Talos Principle 2 is $15
Highly recommend both games!
Both combined is $15.58. That doesn't include the excellent expansions for either game though.
They are the only portal-likes (chamber-based player movement puzzlers) that I'd place on the same level as the Portal games.
Imo they're better. Portal was more groundbreaking because of when the first one came out, what valve was doing at the time, because everybody played it, and because of its connection with other games at the time.
But now, it's just a very good game that (re)introduced portals as a concept into pop culture and repopulatized and proved that AAA puzzle games were possible.
Talos, on the other hand, is a philosophical indie sleeper, and more of a social experiment. I don't like comparing it to portal, because most people see portal as an insurmountable peak with an impenetrable meme forcefield. And yeah, portal is great. But the Talos games are something very different and stands all on its own.
Borderlands 3, if you somehow missed it, for under £5 is just a good value.
Idk why you got downvoted. Borderlands 3 for $6 is a pretty good deal. And $16 for the complete edition isn't bad either. I already own the full collection on steam so I can't see the price of that, but when I bought it during the last sale I wanna say I spent like maybe $50 on the entire Borderlands series.
There really is a "Lemmy hive mind" starting to form, just like reddit.
Yeah I have no idea what fucking losers are out here downvoting people for their personal recommendations, but I can't think of much worse basement-dweller behavior.
Enter the gungeon is like 1.50
Kenshi is back on sale for 12$. It's a special kind of special, but someone out there might connect with it. Lots of yt videos to get a feel for gameplay.
Mass Effect legendary edition (all 3 games + all DLCs) is on for 6 Euro.
That's a great deal IMO
Here’s what I picked up during the Steam Spring Sale:
DOOM - $1.99 (90% off)
Stray - $18.99 (40% off)
Undertale - $0.99 (90% off)
Celeste - $4.99 (75% off)
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - $4.99 (90% off)
Red Dead Redemption 2 - $14.99 (75% off)
NieR: Automata - $15.99 (60% off)
Hades - $9.99 (60% off)
Devil May Cry 5 - $19.79 (67% off)
Just a reminder that while we all love Steam, they run an underage gambling ring in the form of CS skins, which they refuse to address.
I got myself and can recommend:
Returnal (29.99€) (Rogue-like shooter),
Wisper (6.99€) (Open world exploration) and Crossroads OS (3.74€) (Puzzle game).
I can further recommend:
Studio System (8.84€) (Horror),
With My Past (6.59€) (Puzzle),
Signalis (13.99€) (Horror).
Elite Is a space flight economics simulator.
Fly around buy here sell there look at stuff for fun and get into battles
Great game but you will want a hotas set up if you really get into it
Solasta Crown of the Magister for $8.99.
For me it's the best game ever to capture the D&D feeling. The custom Warlock subclass, Timekeeper, is ridiculously fun.
I like this indie game critic, he has a recommendation video for sale