It’s not even the matter of how the body works it can lead to them watching porn and shit early on which isn’t good cause kids are curious and google exists literally speaking from personal experience I was told way to early on by older friends and it lead to shit I don’t need to get into
If you do try again try lmde (Linux mint Debian edition) you should have less issues Ubuntu has weird permission issues that I’ve ran into before
3-4 year olds don’t need to know about birds and the bees
Casting, using your phone for a remote, so the popup for connecting goes away
Ah yea I wasn’t sure I know that they can use regen but it may operate on different principles cause i know my backfire board does advertise it and when used properly does actually add a few miles which on a skateboard does help a lot but I’m no expert either just have to many miles on my board pushing 1200 in under 2 years
I would think it’s possible for them to come to a full stop with regen breaking smaller personal electric vehicles can lock their wheels coming to a stop ie skateboards and the like
I can provide pictures of where it went if needed
Kinda the goal of i2p is to be hidden and you have to already know where to look
That may not be but if you search phone case for x phone most will be cheap china cases
The newer watches can last up to 2 days I think at least my Samsung ones did I would assume apple is about par
It’s only about -35f in ND currently
Everything basically cause you are formatting the drive app configs can be transferred if you back them up but any apps have to be reinstalled systemd reconfigured etc