It’s reference to a weird news article a while back about him being seen getting subway for lunch
DDG is also a for profit venture and uses privacy more as a marketing ploy. They’ve been caught allowing Microsoft trackers.
Back in the early 2000s, we had MX Tabs which was not quite open source but amazing. It collapsed because of copyright issues. But while it lasted, it had basically anything you can think of. Usually 4 or 5 versions and they were all wrong in different ways.
And if you do, welcome to having an anxiety disorder
Circumstances outside gaming where any high end laptop isn’t good enough is pretty niche and I don’t think this really matters to most consumers. I would prefer to run Linux but at work, my options are Windows or MacOS. It’s a pretty easy choice. Apple products are great when someone else is paying for them.
Jesus, where I live eggs are back down to $1.99 a dozen which is more than they used to be but not that extreme. I think pre-pandemic, we were paying $1.79. There was a period where the store brand was $5.99 and Egg Lands Best was $3.99 which made no sense to me.
These aren’t super valuable. You can get them for about 200-250 bucks.
Same thing they did to housing. Incoming 10 to 15 year car loans.
E-reader is a much better experience for reading text but tablets are better for comics. There’s very limited color e-ink options and they’re very expensive with pretty washed out colors.