
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

Generally, I feel like it depends on how viable it seems to fix. Is this the same issue that people marched about 50+ years ago?

Specific elephant in the room, what possible fix within 2-4 decades is there when the right has most of the keys including a stacked supreme court?

Personally, I can't really fight or leave. I am nowhere close to anything politically relevant... I have no transportation, income, or ID/passport etc. I am a shut-in with untreated health issues. I'm just letting the days go by.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

Spyro's skyboxes, too. (+vertex colors for LoD models)

I think vertex color can be used even more extensively for modern indie dev, though I haven't done much more than tinker with the workflow itself.

I tried adding non-mapped textures (including a watercolor speckle image) but am not sure I like the effort/tradeoff-to-result ratio*. I'm leaning more towards textureless now especially with Godot 4.4 having per-vertex shading (though I already ran into an issue where it seems metallic per-vertex isn't ready yet).

* aside from maybe generated noise for a metal material's normal map

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (3 children)

I wrote an elaborate alt-text for this when I uploaded it in a comment:

But there is no alt-text there now unless I:

![Write it all over again, or find the comment to copy+paste](

Write it all over again, or find the comment to copy+paste

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (5 children)

Yes, but It doesn't look like the alt-text is ever actually saved to the image, I would guess instead just passed onto the comment editor after that initial upload. At least I don't see it in the uploads tab (neither the preview nor in the viewed link itself, except on the original comment on page 9 of my comments).

That could be fine if there were a dedicated copy-markup-link button. It would also be nice for the alt-text to remain editable from there.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (7 children)

Also an annoyance with the standard Lemmy software (clients may fix it) is that alt-text is handled only in markup (not saved with the saved media) so if you want to post it in a comment later you need to copy the markup (from the post/comment where you first posted it) each time rather than from your uploads. Probably an issue for most files hosts (not offering alt-text) too.

Unless there is some file host that handles this?

EDIT: Posting in a community like this helps with this, though still will suffer when organization becomes an issue and also niche/comment-reply memes that don't really make sense as a singular post.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I've been doing that with juice too (also adding iced tea powder, other stuff like almond extract (cherry taste) for more/different flavor) but I can't imagine watering down soda unless using something that's also carbonated. Which I never really tried the other carbonation options due to cost (not really drinking soda often though, tapwater is free).

Well, I did try watering something down with club soda once but that was gross particularly because the carbonation was already gone.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Similar but slightly different reply to Kelly's, not really responding to your comment on testing viability (though I don't feel like this comment should be a top-level comment).

It seems to me that at least for opt=size, it actually did improve performance (for a basic benchmark at least) somewhat for low cost compared to no flags. I'm sure this is not as fast as opt=speed, but I would call that more of a trade-off than a sacrifice especially when also considering compilation-time to get a measure of efficiency.

At least that was my impression with Clang (which I was seeing size-optimized Clang giving decent performance but half the compilation time of default GCC). An efficient middle-ground.

EDIT: Though this was also for code (via bindings) not Godot/exports themselves, so it could be different (though I'm not sure why unless a difference of defaults).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

because every bloated 100gb game is a mix of a thousand different assets/executables/libraries

Also needlessly uncompressed audio or poorly compressed video (that likely could instead be in-engine) particularly when multiple resolutions are needed. Sometimes one of these might be the bigger issue, particularly with remasters.

@Gladaed I have less-than-stellar internet* (~6mb/s, shared with others), 20GB is definitely not a reasonable size for me. 100MiB is fine, but not negligible. Consider also storage space, particularly because users will run games from slower(->cheaper) drives when they deem games too big (which for me is already at 1GiB+, at least in terms of having a library because that adds up).

* and I live in the US, not even in the woods! The price isn't even great, either.

As I see it, data size is an inverse multiplier for viability. The smaller a download is the more likely that users will be able to get and store it (long-term even) without issue. The difference between a day and an hour is huge, the difference between an hour and 5 minutes is still worthwhile (especially if this impacts household internet speed). Less than that (nearing instant download) is peak.

Updates also make this difference larger.

EDIT: A better way to say this is that this probably makes a lot of sense for small developers to do in stable releases at-very-least. Even then I could see picking-and-choosing for all sorts of different reasons. If this is part of an export script I could see it being practically free minus a slightly longer build time that is probably still in an acceptable range.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

BRAIN: “You are tasked to consider the evidence, and whether it proves BEYOND a reasonable doubt: whether my client is undateable. Is my client… a perfect man? No-”

ME: “She can kill me, yeah.”

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

It's called being cultured, like cheese. Though art is a bit different as whatever shapes you does so long-term, even if you could zap away issues instantly the memory and thus influence will still be there.

Also health/brain issues for me are likely a bigger detriment than anything, resulting in me doing nothing most of the time (small chores on a good day). So anything created is a rare win in spite of that.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

XFCE note: autohide panel (the clock is not), accessibility WM tweaks turned on (hide title...) as I usually have a window maximized. Raise-on-focus (Window Manager settings, similar setting in tweaks for window cycling) turned off, allowing rolled-up windows to not disappear when unfocused.

System note: ~~I have not maintained it well, broken dependencies right now and have finally got bit by nVidia as my system won't properly wake from suspend. Getting an alternative GPU is somewhat of a mess, especially prices and getting full performance.~~ EDIT: Updated, working fine now

I made this ultra-minimalist window theme a while ago (this is the second version, with the widget-capable layout and style-based color accent) and have been using it.

The title is 12px tall (the buttons are default 8px, though can get taller with alternate hover/click states).

At this size, XFWM has a design issue with font sizes/baselines so most fonts are cut off (the selected font is Nimbus Mono PS Bold 10, larger has text descenders cut because text can't overlap window contents)

I would try to take this idea further (and fix some of XFWM's other relevant issues) with my own WM but I use a somewhat niche language and couldn't figure out how to render a rectangle the last time I looked into it (the WM I was looking at doesn't have titles/window controls).

Not set on a name as lots of themes have size-based names but are not as minimal.

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