Thank you. Confirming Mlem has this in 2.0
The irony of having to explain your sarcasm punctuation after using sarcasm and punctuating it in way nobody understands.
I see an MX5 and track days in your future.
Love wins. Her partner was made for her.
Where is this magical place? Careers page please.
How do people like this not get roped into countless meetings? Do workplaces exist in the digital space that actually communicate without a meeting culture?
It was in certain pot hole fillers interest to ensure the pot hole continued to need to be filled so they could continue to fill holes, so despite filling a hole once the gas ensured they’d have to come back again and redo the job and get paid multiple times for the same hole.
Any insights to specifically what is different aside from Andretti falling on his sword?
The batteries should be protected and rated for a crash like that, anything less is unsafe and negligent on the manufacturer.
When pot holes were regularly filed, workers would pour gas on the tar to make sure they could eat and have a job next week.
What are the secret 11 herbs and spices of the subway?
Click bait article. She’ll be right mate.