I started down the path of creating a gear library for Full Control, a 3D printing system. I got sidetracked by a couple of problems:
I'm apparently not smart enough to create something from scratch.
Existing libraries are either beyond my ability to use directly or, like OpenSCAD, generating fully realized models intended for traditional slicers.
I was hoping to be able to do a variety of gear types, but I think I'm going to have to be satisfied with just spur gears.
In any case, I've set it aside until next winter. Spring is coming, so I need to finish my website work before my other hobbies take over my life.
(Actually, Full Control might be better described as a 3D plotting system, since the Z axis is as continuously variable as the X and Y axes.)
I'm basically a doofus when it comes to web. I had no trouble using Zola as the generator with Abridge and Terminimal as themes.