Right? He pays people to level his characters to impress gamers. What a needy person.
I mean, I agree, if they can pull it off, it is super neat
Its his fake smile. It never reaches the eyes.
I am not happy with how much internet relies on cloudflare. However, they have a strong set of products
Do we have an otter gif community somewhere?
Oh no! If only there was a way to not have those restrictions!
GNU Sir Terry, he really was a through and through great soul. I fell in love with the disc world around 12 and rereading his books is always a pleasure.
I don't think there is one legal use case that can only be solved by a blockchain and not cheaper and faster with a classic database.
Except money laundering, crapto is fantastic for that.
I agree, but still, I prefer that my government looks into things before it declares something.
In 2022, 1.41 Million Germans traveled to the US (most current number I could find).in contrast, 3 being detained - while it is a tragedy and warrants investigation - is not a reason to get into panic mode. Panic mode and fast news cycles brought us this shit, so I am happy to have some people investigating. That does not mean not being aware or ignore the cases, on the contrary. This needs to be looked into and there should be a response.
Its not a random app. It has disappearing messages and is outside the other means of communication that are saved and documented. This is not the only chat group on Signal, I'd wager.