Where are you seeing that? I've mentioned my Pixelfed server a few times on Threads and I've never been censored.
They're blocking Pixelfed? In what way?
Blocking Pixelfed from federating with Threads?
Preventing people from mentioning Pixelfed?
Good idea. I'll consider it! Thanks!
So this is like a public notebook?
Why? It's a great search engine that a lot of people find extremely useful.
How is it privacy invasive?
I completely gave up on Google Search and started using Kagi which has changed the way I find things on the Internet.
Switched from Chrome to Firefox.
With Tidal hell yeah!
They have "Pots" that you can manually move money to, or have money moved to them every time you get paid, or move money to them on a set schedule.
You can link your other bank accounts and credit cards, and have money moved to a "credit card pot" automatically to cover your credit card bills.
I mostly use the envelope method. My parents used literal envelopes when I was growing up, and somewhat early in my adulthood and in my career I came upon the online bank Simple. That bank changed the way I look at finances and saving money. So I still do it the way they taught me to do it.
I now use a bank called Monzo, and they are working toward building in a very similar budgeting method to Simple, with "Pots" instead of envelopes, that automatically get filled with money every paycheck.
It was a bug they fixed.