I'm trying to add more fruit to my diet, but I'm having trouble finding good deals.
Grapes, for example, are $6 per bag of ~2.25lbs (~~453~~ 906 grams). That would be mostly acceptable, only I can't eat that many grapes before they go bad.
I then saw pears, and noticed they were ~$1.30 each. That's a crazy price to be paying when I'm going to be eating an entire pear with my meal. It becomes the most expensive part by a massive margin, and it's not even meat!
So, what really set me off was seeing apples, apples for $1. One. Dollar. Per. Apple. That's insane. It's unacceptable. It should not be the case.
So I ask, what is going on? Is this the result of ensuring people will pay the absolute maximum they're willing to, regardless of what something costs to produce? Is this the result of that occurring at every step of the way in all of our lives, including for apple farmers?
Is there something else? Is there a legitimate, not-passing-a-bunch-of-money-around-at-the-top reason for why a bleeping apple costs $1 now?
Yes, exactly.
Although I will agree with you that there are women out there that feel as though they are 'owed' something due to the historical treatment of women.