Someone please ELI5 Daylight Savings for me? I simply can't wrap my head around it no matter how many times I try to read any explanation about it. I don't even know if my own region follows it (probably not given I would've understood it otherwise).
With regard to what if every person on earth gets a similar buffer: Assuming everyone initially becomes aware of this feature, I would imagine communities would pool up their storage by connecting them via references to other member's name or identity (similar to linked lists). They could store their collective thoughts in the form of megathreads similar to how Twitter users do it, in plain text or making use of links to Babel pages as suggested in another comment.
Intelligence agencies would be extremely efficient in cramming information in their limited shared buffers. Imagine they observe 'CakeShoeRock' written in the buffer and immediately conclude they are in a time loop because they anticipated this exact scenario and developed a comprehensive set of protocols and a system of condensed code words to follow for the same in advance.
I can relate to this too. I try to fight the site out of spite by furiously clicking on the back button of the browser to get me to the home page, and it does show the page for a split second before undoing the redirects and pulling me back to the page I was originally in. In the end I have to succumb to using the website's own navigation buttons to incrementally head back to the starting page.
The part about having proper print layout of the site is actually interesting to me. I just learned about it recently and was curious about how there was explicit CSS support for this. This introduces an entirely new perspective on how a website should be designed to offer reliable print support that I am willing to learn.
All this time I was wondering what black sorcery DST was performing to magically "add more sunlight" when it was simply the matter of setting the clock 1hr early.
I would rather go with having separate schedules for winter and summer for everything; even thinking about adopting DST is nauseating for me. I enjoy having a uniform time scale independent from external environmental factors.
Thank you very much for sharing this link.