The Epstein release was the same shit, it was all stuff that was already released. The stuff we actually want (the blackmail videos that presumably exist, anything else seized by the FBI on his island) is still secret.
He's still a war criminal, so maybe he should be deported to Iraq or Afghanistan.
Does he ever tell people his heart goes out to them in the same way?
Yeah, of course. The patriot act was already written way before 9/11, it was a wishlist and they only needed the right excuse to pass it. It's something they'd always wanted to begin with (both Republicans and Democrats), and it's politically not possible to repeal.
She'll make sure that despite everything your student loans still get collected.
Yep, 12 years of Democrats in charge and none of them did anything to reign in this whole apparatus that could easily be abused by an autocrat. Now Trump has a turnkey surveillance state that can be turned on anyone in the country. All your internet traffic, current location, licence plate readers, face recognition, etc. It was all created to alternately catch terrorists or pedophiles, and now Trump is going to use it against anyone he doesn't like.
And it's not like nobody was warned, there was plenty of dissent about the patriot act from experts and the people, but politicians were just like 'don't worry, it'll only be used against terrorists'. Guess what, everyone's going to be deemed a terrorist now. They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism already (and those are state charges in a Democratic state).
Eh, as long as he stays in Trump's favour, Tesla will get a bunch of government contracts to keep them afloat. There was already the state department contract, they can keep slinging more contracts his way of they like.
And did a Nazi salute, and literally fired tens of thousands of people for no fucking reason. I hope he's just pretending to be surprised and not actually this dense.
IIRC they can compel you to unlock your phone. Or just deny you entry if you don't. It's best to make sure you travel with a 'clean' phone and PC, border patrol got ridiculous powers in the patriot act and nobody's ever rolled any of it back despite decades of abuses.
Probably already on their way.