Agreed, same situation and we both refer to the other as partner. All our peers generally do the same and it's very normal (UK).
Maybe I'm crazy as well but 10kW doesn't seem like a huge deal to me either? Why do I need a battery for that? I'm in the UK and my shower draws 10kW all by its little self.
Specifically the season 1 episode "15 Million Merits". One of my favourites.
This looks brilliant in a lot of ways. For me being able to set a precise temperature would be incredible. I have some doubts about the battery system though. I can understand the utility but surely it will degrade over time? I can't see how it's the last stove top I'll ever need. The battery combined with the software update thing makes it feel like another product I'll have to rebuy every 3 years or so.
I really appreciate you responding to me in good faith, thanks. I know it's a fine line, but generally for me not liking the terms of the agreement isn't enough for me to force my own terms. That said, the one time I've pirated something in the last few years was when Prime removed a show from the platform when I had 1.5 episodes of 5 seasons left to go. The idea of paying an extra 10 quid to watch maybe 1% of an otherwise 'free' show pissed me off haha.
So I'm not following my philosophy perfectly either. If it came to something like wanting to watch The Mandalorian from scratch though, I would wait and buy the DVD/BluRay.
Definitely a dissenting view but one I can't help but agree with. Same applies to piracy for me. You don't want to give Disney money? Fair enough. Very reasonable. You still "need" to watch The Mandalorian? Okay...
I'm 99. 9% confident they were being sarcastic.
On the topic of active investing, I've been led to believe there is some case for investing in brown/unethical companies (eg oil industry) on the basis that the investment only be used for green projects. Obviously this isn't something an individual investor could do, but the principle is that a massive oil company like Shell could do more good with a large investment, bringing in large coordinated green programmes or just undoing their brown programmes, than that same investment split up into lots of smaller and newer green companies with different goals, lots of independent overhead etc.
I'm as equipped to make the argument as I am able to enact it, but I think it's an interesting thought at least.
I don't remember the name of the show but it was streets ahead
I'm just surprised that anyone didn't assume this was happening. If most people are using playlists generated by Spotify, how are they not expecting Spotify to choose songs that are also in their interest? Furthermore, how would this be different from the practices of a radio station? Seems like manufactured outrage to me.
The Last of Us II. I went in expecting the same act structure as the first and was surprised. If you've played it then you know what I'm talking about. Despite mainly taking place over just a few days it really feels so drawn out and a relentless struggle, which felt so perfect for the world of the game.
The information inside of the commas can be omitted, it's just extra detail. The sentence can still read as 'The Trump administration cut funding to Yale University's Humanitarian Research Lab last month.'