In July there were a couple of posts like that here
Imma join the disassembly gang. Takes no more than a minute to unscrew and take the top off, then you take a hammer and give it some direct hits. Could additionally take the magnet that's inside (or an even stronger one) and give the disks a few swoops if you like. (And now you have a free magnet!)
using "GNOME Online Accounts" you should be able to access Drive files through your default file manager. I'm not sure if you can automatically sync them for offline access.
Sorry my Don / Dicklette :(
(fr tho)
thinkpad gang, nice.
You could start the day by looking at him and saying "birthday" and in 20-40 years he should catch on.
Snopes: Luckily for those fond of their Granny Smiths, the body can detoxify cyanide in small doses, and the number of apple seeds it takes to pack a lethal punch is therefore so huge that even the most dedicated of apple eaters is extremely unlikely to ingest enough pips to cause any harm. Yet those who have heard apple seeds house a poison (usually remembered as arsenic, a quite different though equally deadly compound) cling to the frightening belief swallowing a small number of pips spells instant death.
I can't find an estimate right now, but you would have to eat at least a big handful of seeds, while making sure you grind them up in your mouth. It's not wise to worry about this.
What's his favorite dinosaur? 🦕
Anything with cocoa in it is basically sure to have involved child labor at some point. Same thing as clothing brands. "Oh no you found out that our subcontractors use child labor! We'll be sure to cut ties and go over to these other guys! I'm sure it'll be all above board this time!
i ated them.
Ah, yes, the turn-undesirables-into-monsters-o-vision. If only it were used for good!