It's pretty hard to beat that when it comes to experience
Dandelion orange
Oh yeah, he's a massive chunk of the reason that almost everything is as fucked today as it is, I just think trying to pick a singular villain to blame any thing this big on ignores the systemic issues spanning decades that enables this
Every time I've used FreeCAD it felt miserable to use. Idk if I was doing something wrong, but it felt horrendous
That's a great way to have LP follow you the entire time
Probably. They can't all be there for every session
I'm betting AOC is because they're both from NY and they're very close geographically. Definitely seems like a conflict of interest
WOTC would use electrum 🤮
Scott (VA) and Williams (GA) voted Nay
Green (TX) and Jackson (IL) voted present. Couldn't give you a reason though
Jackson Lee (TX) and Phillips (MN) were not voting for some reason as well as AOC who I suspect didn't vote since she's also a NY member
Who's the bowl cut guy on the right? I recognize everyone but him (sadly)
Also damn, did not know about Confucius
I must have missed this part of hbomb's video...