Good call. My plan is to start watching S1 again a few weeks before season 2 is done.
joined 5 months ago
Succession season 1. The writing is pretty good, the characters are unhinged.
I'm desperate to watch it, but I'm going to wait till all the episodes are out. I would not be able to deal with the slow drip.
I'm going to be so mad if this show ends up being another Lost. They keep introducing more and more "mysteries", and not really solving or explaining anything.
Interesting. I hadn't even heard of Njalla, but now I know to avoid them, thanks.
How is cloudflare stealing domains?
Awesome! Where is this?
90s Simpsons were the best.
I think Grist would definitely fit your needs.
I like this. I miss the rain.
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Why is withholding the vote better than voting against?